Finding Yourself—Navigating This Hectic World Without Losing Your Way

2 min read
1 March 2018

Modern businesspersons have so many demands on their time. At work, there are always more things that need to be done. This can mean that personal time can get lost along the way. People need to purposefully set aside time to reconnect with themselves.

You Can’t Just Keep Swimming Along. Eventually, Something Has To Give

You may insist that everything is OK. You can handle it all. Work, home, personal life. But take a step back for a minute. How do you really feel inside? Is your stress truly at a healthy level? You may look fine on the outside, but you have to examine your
inner self. 

Several recent studies in neuroscience have attempted to quantify stress levels using physiological and biochemical markers. In one study, scientists used non-invasive imaging techniques to examine the prefrontal relative gamma power (RG) as a means of stress assessment. Although RG hasn’t previously been used to measure stress levels, it has been studied in novice and expert meditators. Promising results found that RG does correlate with heart rate and stress levels, giving scientists another potential tool to understanding stress (Minguillon, 2016).

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.


You can’t possibly be the best version of yourself if you are stressed out, and kind of chugging along on autopilot. You must take the time to get to know yourself. Increasing your awareness about yourself will ripple over into other parts of your life, even to your leadership abilities.

Before you can start to fix the problem, you have to be aware that it exists. Science is helping us understand how our brains react to stress. Your brain will never perform at its full potential if you don’t give it the right conditions. Finding time to regroup when you are stressed out is possible. And you can learn how to maximise the potential of this time.

The I4 Neuroleader Model Can Show You The Way

There are many techniques to help bring calm to your life. Why not learn about these methods, which are back by scientific research? People who are stressed have lower levels of agility and awareness, and will not be able to react quickly to changing conditions.

The i4 Model can help you train your brain by listening to your own thoughts. Having a dialogue with yourself, and strengthening the observer within, will give you the power to choose what you believe, feel, think and say. You can make meaning of a world that doesn’t always make sense, and you can become a better leader and experience a happier personal life.

Your brain can reach a higher level of calmness and alertness than you ever thought possible. But you have to make the effort and take that first step. Give yourself the most precious thing you have—your time. After all, you deserve it.

Minguillon, J., Lopez-Gordo, M. A., & Pelayo, F. (2016). Stress Assessment by Prefrontal Relative Gamma. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10, 101.

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