Having The Courage To Fail And Then Try Again

by Silvia Damiano on 5 April 2023

Having The Courage To Fail And Then Try Again - About my Brain Institute11

It’s normal to feel like quitting or that you have failed. Everyone feels like that sometimes. Whether it pertains to large or small goals or experiences in life, we inevitably fail at some of them. However, we can either accept failure as a necessary step towards success or let failu …

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Having The Courage To Let Go Of Perfectionism

by Silvia Damiano on 2 March 2023

Having The Courage To Let Go Of Perfectionism

The world has been forced to acknowledge that business as usual is not always as easy as it used to be. There are some situations where we simply cannot control what happens, and we need the courage to let things go when it is time. For people who lean towards perfectionism, this loss …

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5 Ways To Improve Your Negotiation Skills

by Silvia Damiano on 29 October 2019

5 Ways-To-Improve-Your-Negotiation-Skills - About my Brain Institute

Negotiation is without a doubt an art form. Negotiations can trample treaties, ruin businesses, and create chaos, or they can create peace, increase collaboration, and improve mental & physical wellbeing for people affected by them. Many leaders find themselves in positions where …

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Do You Have The Courage To Put Aside Your Electronics?

by Silvia Damiano on 1 October 2019

Do-You-Have-The-Courage-To-Put-Aside-Your-Electronics - About my Brain Institute

Our brains are marvellous creations. We have the capacity to create, invent, build and love. But, our brains are easily distracted. What happens when you hang a shiny or noise toy in front of a baby? The baby inevitably tries to grab it. Unfortunately, our electronic devices are becom …

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5 Ways to Become More Courageous

by Silvia Damiano on 4 April 2019

5-Ways-to-Become-More-Courageous- About my Brain Institute

The idea of courage can mean different things to different people. For some, it means leaving a relationship that isn’t working out. For others, it means quitting a job to follow a dream. While courage can mean many things, one central theme unites us all--being courageous sets us fre …

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Leading with Love & Compassion: Growing with the i4 Neuroleader Model

by Kim Ellis on 5 February 2019

Leading-with-Love-and-Compassion-Growing-with-the-i4-Neuroleader-Model - About my Brain Institute

This has been a long journey for me, and the completion of this training program, many months after the course, also marks the end of my time at the Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands. These final weeks and the participation in the About my Brain training has made me realise I h …

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Te Amo, Je T’Aime, Nakupenda, I Love You

by Silvia Damiano on 30 August 2018

Te-Amo-Je-TAime-Nakupenda-I-Love-You - About my Brain Institute

The language of love is universal. It can be a whispered endearment, an “I love you” written down, or love can be shared through touch or action. A little bit of effort can go a long way to show love, and taking the time to learn a few words in someone else’s native tongue can turn a …

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Escaping From The Prison Of Fear To Create The Life You Deserve

by Silvia Damiano on 24 July 2018

Escaping-From-The-Prison-Of-Fear-To-Create-The-Life-You-Deserve - About my Brain Institute

Most people know all too well the feeling of paralyzing fear. The moment when the heart pounds, breathing is harsh and heavy, and the muscles seem frozen or poised to take flight. For some, this response can have a profound negative impact on daily life. But, there is hope, and it is …

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Finding Your Courage At The Dinner Table To Improve Collaboration

by Silvia Damiano on 21 June 2018

Finding-Your-Courage-At-The-Dinner-Table-To-Improve-Collaboration - About my Brain Institute

Today’s business environment is more global than ever. Leaders must be able to collaborate with people from many different walks of life, and sitting down to dinner is a great way to share ideas and cultures. However, the concept of what is delicious can vary from person to person, an …

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Letting Go Of Phobophobia To Become A Better Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 17 May 2018

Letting-Go-Of-Phobophobia-To-Become-A-Better-Leader - About my Brain Institute

Phobophobia is the fear of being afraid. For some people, this means they cannot speak in public, for some it means that spiders bring about a crippling paralysis, and for others, it means they cannot mingle with society. Fears and phobias can affect leaders by inhibiting collaboratio …

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Be Adventurous and Become A Better Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 15 March 2018

Be-Adventurous-and-Become-A-Better-Leader - About my Brain Institute

The word ‘adventure’ means different things to different people. For some, they imagine skydiving or climbing mountains or racing a supercar. For others, it means taking a different route to work. Leadership skills need fresh ideas to continually improve and evolve, and a little adven …

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From Science Fiction To Reality

by Silvia Damiano on 14 September 2017


While movies and books tend to vilify them, robots are not inherently evil. They aren’t inherently anything—it’s humans who create them and make them what they are.

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