Houston, We Have A Leadership Problem

by Silvia Damiano on 24 July 2014


It seems the oxygen supply is as low in American companies for female and minority leadership as it was on the famous 1970 Apollo 13 spacecraft. Figures recently released by Google, Yahoo, and Facebook revealed that leadership positions were still mostly held by white men, and that fe …

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The Verdict: Are Leaders Born Or Made?

by The About my Brain Institute on 19 July 2014


Many still believe that leadership is something that is unattainable and that the learning of certain traits, behaviours or attitudes cannot be done, however, this belief cannot be further from the truth, according to a neuro-leadership expert.

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A Guide To A Good Night's Sleep

by Carmel Harrington on 10 July 2014


With the office buzzing as we prepare the final details for our Book Launch next Thursday, we thought it was important that the team embraces a healthy approach to their sleeping habits and try to get the recommended amount of hours per night - a feat that our web gurus and designers …

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Ticking ‘Inspiration’ Off Your Bucket List

by Silvia Damiano on 3 July 2014


Do you want to feel inspired? Or perhaps you’d like to inspire others? Have you ever considered that ‘inspiration’ comes from within? No matter who you are or where you are from, inspiration starts with you.

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