Respect Is A Cornerstone Of Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 26 March 2020

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When you think of the word ‘respect’, what pops into your mind first? Do you think of being a child again, and showing respect to your elders? Or being kind and inviting someone to share their troubles? Or perhaps letting someone walk through a door you have opened? Respect may mean s …

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4 Methods to Increase Your Influence with Others

by Silvia Damiano on 2 May 2019

4-Methods-to-Increase-Your-Influence-with-Others- About my Brain Institute

One single person cannot successfully run a large organisation. Delegating responsibility, influencing others and managing time and resources wisely are required to be an agile, effective leader. The art of influencing others can be extremely nuanced and personal, and leaders who stri …

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Giving The Gift Of Time To Increase Your Influence

by Silvia Damiano on 24 January 2019

Giving-the-Gift-of-Time-to-Increase-Your-Influence - About my Brain Institute

The fast pace that people are expected to maintain in today’s world of work means that interactions with others are limited and cursory. Taking the time to slow down may mean everything to the other person. By giving value to the opinions and thoughts of others, it’s possible to enhan …

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Take a Break And Give Yourself A “Youcation”

by Silvia Damiano on 6 September 2018

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With the rapid pace of today’s world, rarely do people find themselves alone. Employees and coworkers demand attention, and then friends and family members do at home. While having a strong, loving group of people is important, it’s also important to spend time alone.

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Influence A Culture Of Respect And Creativity

by Silvia Damiano on 30 November 2017


Music, fashion, and even food can influence what we do and buy. Remember the 'Rachel hair' from the 1990s and 2000s? As humans, we naturally look to others for influence and to help make decisions, at both home and work.

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Influence – All We Have When Authority Has Left The Building

by Mark Hodgson on 31 August 2016


How do we make ourselves heard in a world and a marketplace where everyone is shouting? That’s a question we need to answer, both to win in a commercial sense, but also perhaps to create our own sense of calm and purpose.

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Look For Greatness, Constantly

by The About my Brain Institute on 9 April 2015

Learning to be an influencer can be a challenging task for many, but its value in both leadership and everyday life is significant. One of the greatest misconceptions about influence is how we approach it.

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Why Not Democratise Neuroscience?

by The About my Brain Institute on 24 September 2014

Today, founder of SharpBrains - Alvaro Fernandez interviewed our CEO on her view of why we need to democratise neuroscience and leadership.

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