Transforming Leadership & Well-Being From The Heart

by Silvia Damiano on 19 July 2023

Transforming Leadership & Well-Being From The Heart - Dr. Jonathan Fisher

At the About my Brain Institute, our core belief has been that “better brains create better leaders.” However, it is worth exploring the notion that a “better heart” could potentially be the crucial factor in nurturing exceptional leaders. To gain further insights into this perspectiv …

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The Body As The Mind’s Best Ally

by Maite Crespo on 20 May 2022

The Body As The Mind’s Best Ally

If I’d ask you what stress means to you, you will probably tell me that stress is feeling overwhelmed, not having time, not arriving on time or too much work...

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Finding Centre - Without Losing Your Cool

by Silvia Damiano on 13 May 2022

Finding Centre - Without Losing Your Cool

When something is in homeostasis, there is a balance. In nature, this might mean the appropriate amount of water to support plant growth without drowning or dehydrating the plant. The same principle works in our brains. When we find our centre, we can achieve homeostasis, or the balan …

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How I Cracked My Genetic Code To Develop Lasting Behaviours

by Bridgit English on 4 May 2022

How I Cracked My Genetic Code To Develop Lasting Behaviours

It didn't matter where I went, "I" followed me. No matter how often I changed the environment, the outcomes remained the same.

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The Art And Science Of Expressing And Recognising Emotions

by Catalina Pons on 8 April 2022

The Art And Science Of Expressing And Recognising Emotions

“It is Friday afternoon, Victor is happy, counting down the hours to go to the beach for the weekend with his family, the first trip after months of restrictions. His boss, Alex, walks into the office, with the same look on his face as when he's furious, and tells Victor that the head …

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Getting Your Story Straight

by David McCubbin on 29 March 2022

Getting Your Story Straight

Stories are great content - or at least the good ones are. Telling stories should be one of your principal tools to bring messages to life.

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Play Is Serious Business

by Clemencia Gonzalez Silveyra on 25 March 2022

Play is serious business

Playing brings joy. It is vital for problem solving, creativity, and relationships.

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Is Your Gut Holding You Back?

by Gus Rickard on 17 March 2022

Is Your Gut Holding You Back?

Walk into any health food store and I'm sure you will be dazzled by the sheer number of products devoted to digestive health! Shelves stacked with bone broth powders, digestive enzymes and probiotics. It seems like every second ad on my instagram feed is selling something to improve g …

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Gratitude Makes Us Better Leaders

by María Arocha on 10 March 2022

Gratitude Makes Us Better Leaders

In organisations, we frequently hear... "There is no collaboration here, people are not grateful." These statements usually occur at all management levels generating mistrust, dissatisfaction and a bad organisational climate.

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Toxic Bosses

by Blythe Rowe on 3 March 2022

Toxic Bosses

You know when you are confronted with one or god forbid, work for one. They are the ones with the inflated ego and sense of importance. They are very controlling and often two-faced, charming and charismatic to others and yet, horrible to you. Nothing you do seems right. They microman …

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The Conscious Grit Model - Get Unstuck and be Unstoppable

by Gail Eaton-Briggs on 28 February 2022

The Conscious Grit Model - Get Unstuck and be Unstoppable

Have you read the old fairy tale of the princess and the pea? In short, the Queen won’t let the Prince marry a young woman who claims to be a real princess unless she proves she is delicate enough to feel the pea that the Queen has placed under a stack of 20 mattresses that she sleeps …

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Managing Uncertainty and Loss

by Pilar Segura on 21 February 2022

Managing Uncertainty and Loss

When we face difficult situations in our lives, our reactions may vary depending on whether we are a child, an adolescent, or an adult. How do we acquire the knowledge and resources that allow us to act in the most appropriate way?

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