Clemencia Gonzalez Silveyra

Clemencia Gonzalez Silveyra

Director of Learn Human, Consultant in Neuro Psychoeducation. Neurosicoeducación. Specialist in the art of play. Director of the ‘Human Learning Program’ and ‘The Emotional Intelligence Program’ for the Torcuato Di Tella University Clemencia is also a Certified Practitioner of the i4 Neuroleader Methodology with the About my Brain Institute. She is a professional actor, a certified coach and she is also accredited in the EAT Emotion Activation Therapy. She has a Diploma on Play, a master in NLP and also lectures on emotional agility for the MBA at CEMA University.

Posts by Clemencia Gonzalez Silveyra

Play Is Serious Business

by Clemencia Gonzalez Silveyra on 25 March 2022

Play is serious business

Playing brings joy. It is vital for problem solving, creativity, and relationships.

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