The Importance of ‘Daydreaming’

by Relmi Damiano on 13 February 2023

The Importance of Daydreaming-About-my-Brain-Institute12

Neuroscience has shed some light on daydreaming or letting the mind wander. Humans spend up to half of their waking hours daydreaming. The ‘decoupling hypothesis’ proposes that when we daydream, brain resources are shifted away from our external environment to our internal environment …

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Was Steve Jobs Right About Connecting The Dots?

by Relmi Damiano on 10 November 2021

Was Steve Jobs right about connecting the dots?

Our brains are exposed to about 34 gigabytes of information per day.1 Some of these experiences, memories, or ideas are inevitably lost forever in the vaults of our minds, but some of these moments do leave a real memory that we can recall at will. Think of these moments, the ones we …

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Your Imagination Is A Powerful Tool - Are You Using It Effectively?

by Silvia Damiano on 30 January 2020

Your Imagination Is A Powerful Tool - Are You Using It Effectively? - About my Brain Institute

Without imagination, the world is colourless and flat. It’s like a garden with no flowers or a room with no windows. Imagination allows us to see things which may not exist in reality, and imagination flavours the world around us. Even though scientists do not have an exact understand …

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4 Reasons An Art Gallery Can Improve Workplace Mental Health

by Silvia Damiano on 3 September 2019

4 Reasons An Art Gallery Can Improve Workplace Mental Health - About my Brain Institute

When you think of art, what do you think of? Do you hear the soaring notes of Mozart in your head? Or see the enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa? Or perhaps it’s the majestic curves of the Sydney Opera House that come to mind. There are many types of art to appreciate, but when was the last …

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How Can Human Innovation Thrive in the Era of AI?

by Silvia Damiano on 9 April 2019

How-Can-Human-Innovation-Thrive-In-The-Era-of-AI - About my Brain Institute

Human innovation is what sets us apart from other species on the Earth. This ingenuity has allowed us to progress from living in caves to living in cities sprawled across the world, and even to a presence in space. The notion that artificial intelligence will supplant human innovation …

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The Biggest Buzzword in Business is “Innovation” - Let’s Dig Deeper!

by Silvia Damiano on 26 March 2019


Innovation should be at the heart of what we do as leaders. While the notion of innovation is a popular buzzword, in reality, the marketplace is constantly changing, and we need to think about how we can help workers adapt and overcome habits and fear. Understanding how our brain func …

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The Neurobiology of Imagination - Becoming an Innovative Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 21 March 2019


We live in a time when knowledge is literally at our fingertips. Even very young children know how to navigate Google or YouTube to find cartoons or information that interests them. In a world where nearly everyone can access an unlimited amount of information, how can we learn to sta …

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4 Ways To Showcase Your Imagination

by Silvia Damiano on 25 October 2018

4-Ways-To-Showcase-Your-Imagination - About my Brain Institute

Everyone imagines during the day, and it’s possible to use this imagination to problem solve and come up with new innovations and strategies. The same neural pathways are activated when the real event is experienced or when it is imagined. Learning to harness this enormous power will …

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Swing Into A New Mindset For Better Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 13 September 2018

Swing-Into-A-New-Mindset-For-Better-Leadership - About my Brain Institute

Focusing only on work means that other obligations are neglected. And, just as importantly, it means personal growth and time to dream are limited or nonexistent. Finding time to let your mind wander is important for a good mindset and improved mental and physical health.

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Bringing A Galaxy Far Away Into Your Imagination

by Silvia Damiano on 24 May 2018

Bringing-A-Galaxy-Far-Away-Into-Your-Imagination - About my Brain Institute

The stories told by great science fiction writers tell us about worlds full of imagination and technology. However, science and science fiction often go hand-in-hand, both gleaning from each other. Reading science fiction can expand your vision, giving you innovative ideas that you ca …

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Imagination – The Key To Unlocking Our Future Leaders Success And Happiness

by Mark Hodgson on 20 June 2017


We now live in the ‘Imagination Age’. In response to this, our leaders must evolve. They must become ‘neuroleaders’. These are people who complement conventional leadership capabilities by leading also with the brain in mind.

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Opening Your Mind To The Wonders Of Your Imagination

by Silvia Damiano on 13 April 2017


Have you ever wished you could fall down the rabbit hole, step through the wardrobe or catch the train at platform 9 3/4? Have you ever doodled a cool new spaceship or built a tree house in your mind? Imagination makes our world an even more spectacular place.

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