Relmi Damiano

Relmi Damiano

Creative Director & Co-Founder
About my Brain Institute

In 2009, Relmi Damiano co-founded the About my Brain Institute alongside scientist and leadership expert Silvia Damiano. Their vision is to democratise leadership & neuroscience by shaking up how we develop the human, the leader and the creative we all carry within.

Relmi is a full-stack designer, brand strategist and entrepreneur. She is interested in the intersection of strategic design, innovation, leadership, coaching and applied neuroscience. Relmi was also the producer for the 8-time international award-winning ‘Make Me A Leader’ Documentary.

Posts by Relmi Damiano

Harmonious Living: Lessons From A Balinese Village House

by Relmi Damiano on 19 September 2024

Relmi Damiano - Harmonious Living: Lessons From A Balinese Village House

I recently had the opportunity to explore a traditional village house in my time in Bali. This experience offered a glimpse into a life structured around family, community and shared responsibilities. The Balinese village house is a testament to the power of togetherness, where multip …

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Doing Gratitude: When Thinking About It, Is Not Enough

by Relmi Damiano on 3 September 2024

Doing Gratitude: When Thinking About It, Is Not Enough

We often hear and discuss gratitude, especially in positive psychology. We know it’s important; we read about its benefits and perhaps occasionally remind ourselves to be grateful. But seeing gratitude transformed into a daily ritual is a different experience altogether. During my tim …

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A Daily Affirmation Can Drive Innovation

by Relmi Damiano on 21 March 2023

A Daily Affirmation Can Drive Innovation - About my Brain Institute

Resilient leaders can better handle adversity as it arises. We have seen how neglect and stress in childhood can wire the brain a certain way, and we understand that we can rewire the brain because of neuroplasticity. This means we can make changes, particularly if we work at it.

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Topics: Innovation Drive

The Importance of ‘Daydreaming’

by Relmi Damiano on 13 February 2023

The Importance of Daydreaming-About-my-Brain-Institute12

Neuroscience has shed some light on daydreaming or letting the mind wander. Humans spend up to half of their waking hours daydreaming. The ‘decoupling hypothesis’ proposes that when we daydream, brain resources are shifted away from our external environment to our internal environment …

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Was Steve Jobs Right About Connecting The Dots?

by Relmi Damiano on 10 November 2021

Was Steve Jobs right about connecting the dots?

Our brains are exposed to about 34 gigabytes of information per day.1 Some of these experiences, memories, or ideas are inevitably lost forever in the vaults of our minds, but some of these moments do leave a real memory that we can recall at will. Think of these moments, the ones we …

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What is Brain-Friendly Leadership?

by Relmi Damiano on 22 September 2021

What is Brain-Friendly Leadership?

As many neuroscientists have said before, the human brain is undoubtedly one of the most complicated structures in the universe. Our brain is the most powerful organ of creation, capable of making us heroes or villains and capable of literally destroying us.

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Your Phone Is Rotting Your Brain--Give It A Break Now And Then

by Relmi Damiano on 2 July 2020

Your Phone Is Rotting Your Brain--Give It A Break Now And Then - About my Brain Institute

An old photo from decades ago has become a popular meme, and it shows people each with a newspaper up, almost as a sort of shield against talking to others. It is usually captioned with something like ‘technology is making us antisocial’.

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Keeping Our Brains Healthy In A Toxic World

by Relmi Damiano on 25 June 2020

Keeping Our Brains Healthy In A Toxic World - About my Brain Institute

We can change our lifestyles to help improve our brain health. We can ensure we get enough sleep, spend more time outside, exercise and meditate, and eat healthy, nutritious foods. But what about the other dangers in the world, such as pathogens and diseases that can negatively impact …

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How Meditation And Yoga Can Positively Impact Your Brain

by Relmi Damiano on 18 June 2020

How Meditation And Yoga Can Positively Impact Your Brain

How often do people take time to pause? The pace of our increasingly digital lives is often fast and furious, and decisions sometimes have to be made in a split second. Are we doing ourselves an injustice, however, by living life at such a break-neck pace? How can our brains possible …

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The Profound Effects Of Nature On Our Brain Health

by Relmi Damiano on 4 June 2020

The Profound Effects Of Nature On Our Brain Health - About my Brain Institute

One resource that is often overlooked in the discussion regarding brain health is nature. Nature includes all the aspects of the physical world around us that are not human-made, such as plants, animals and landscapes. Research proves how beneficial spending time in nature is for us, …

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Leadership In An Anxious World

by Relmi Damiano on 28 May 2020

Leadership In An Anxious World - About my Brain Institute

People who suffer from anxiety often become masters at hiding it. Even though anxiety disorders are extremely common, we may be unaware that people in our lives, including family members, friends and coworkers, are living silently with anxiety. We cannot have a healthy body and mind i …

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The Modern Health Crisis - Suicide

by Relmi Damiano on 21 May 2020

The Modern Health Crisis - Suicide - About my Brain Institute

It seems almost everyone knows someone who has committed suicide. Even if the act seemingly came from nowhere, or as a spur of the moment decision, many people who commit suicide are affected by brain health disorders. Their often silent pleas for help may have gone unnoticed in healt …

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