Ticking ‘Inspiration’ Off Your Bucket List

2 min read
3 July 2014

Do you want to feel inspired? Or perhaps you’d like to inspire others? Have you ever considered that ‘inspiration’ comes from within? No matter who you are or where you are from, inspiration starts with you.

Striving to obtain the invigorating sensation that comes with feeling inspired is what drives many of us on a daily basis, but all too often, we find ourselves loosing sight of what inspired us in the first place. I believe that inspiration is the fuel of human existence and learning how to reignite your spark is key to growing as a leader in both your personal and work life.

Cultivating our own inspiration gives us the energy to create something that does not yet exist and to inspire others to want to work with us and to stay with our projects despite all the odds. In today’s work environment, inspiration is particularly crucial when it comes to collaboration, with most people agreeing that it is far better to work with colleagues and leaders who are motivators rather than detractors.

It is through these inspired individuals, the motivators who collaborate with each other, that we see the impossible turned into reality. This is a view that is shared by many, including Richard Branson, who reinforces this view in a recent blog post:

To succeed in the 21st Century, businesses of all sizes need to think differently, learn from each other, research new markets and collaborate as much as possible.

As individuals, I have found that people admire these motivators because they do or say something that inspires others. What is extraordinary to me however, is that most find it difficult to articulate ‘what it is’ about themselves that makes them inspirational.

It seems that throughout the years, society has placed such a great focus on finding inspiration externally, that we have overlooked the advantages of exploring and leveraging from our personal strengths and resources.

Whether it is by discovering our life purpose, acquiring insights into how our energy is generated, or learning to replace negative self-talk with positive words and thoughts; I believe all of us, with the help of a little willpower, have the ability to learn, nurture, develop and re-inspire ourselves.

Not only can doing this help us to become more collaborative, optimistic and solution focused; it has the potential to create harmonious environments for others to excel in.

Tick ‘inspiration’ off your bucket list and embark on an uplifting, eye-opening journey of discovery by attending one of our i4 Certification Programs. Inspiring others is easier when you know how to first inspire yourself.

It is time to refuel your inspiration! 

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