Lead By Example And Give A Part Of Yourself To Others

2 min read
10 April 2018

As everyone hustles and bustles their way to work, home, or to complete errands, the people sitting in the shadows are often forgotten. The homeless, the hungry, the sick, the needy. They are always there, even if no one acknowledges them. In this modern era, it is time to stop letting people suffer and to help lift everyone to a life of hope, peace, and happiness. 

Do You Even See Them Anymore?

When you see someone stand with a sign on a street corner, do you read it? Do you automatically assume that the person is lazy and doesn’t want to work? Do you continue on your way, with your face on your phone? Most of us are probably guilty of doing these things, but it doesn’t mean you can’t change for the better NOW.

You may protest and say you barely get by yourself. The kids’ schooling is expensive, you had to get a new pair of boots—the excuses go on and on. Even if you are short on funds, you can donate something even more valuable. Your time and compassion are needed just as much as money. Perhaps it’s time to set aside the excuses and volunteer for a good cause.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.

Winston S. Churchill

Why not make an effort to adopt small, positive changes in your life? You don’t have to make huge changes—the little ones will add up to great things. As a leader, part of your job (even if you don’t want to admit it) is to inspire others. You don’t have an army of emotionless, cold robots working for you. You have living, breathing, dreaming, creative and passionate human beings.

Awaken Your Own Inspiration First

Some people see inspiration everywhere, from a bent blade of grass to an abandoned shoe in the alley. Others need a little nudge to help them out. When you inspire others, you are breathing this vision and trust and passion into them. You are sharing a part of yourself, and by being an inspiration with your actions, others will see, and others will follow.

We now understand the role of neurotransmitters in the brain thanks to research in neuroscience. One such neuromodulator, oxytocin, is essential for social recognition and interactions. Scientists have recently shown that the processes involve many parts of the brain, including the hippocampus, which helps regulate emotions (Raam, 2017).

The i4 Model can teach you how to blend science and leadership. You can take advantage of the most cutting-edge research and change how you interact and inspire and lead others. You will improve collaboration when you understand how the brain works and why we think the way we do.

It’s Never Too Late. The Time Is Now!

We have now entered the Imagination Age. It’s a new beginning for all of us. The world and the living things in it deserve to have competent, compassionate leaders. You can become the kind of leader that inspires others and who collaborates effortlessly with people from around the globe. The question is, are you ready to lead by example and guide us into the future?

Raam, T., McAvoy, K. M., Besnard, A., Veenema, A.,; Sahay, A. (2017). Hippocampal oxytocin receptors are necessary for discrimination of social stimuli. Nat Commun, 8, 2001. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02173-0.

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