Make Me A Leader Movie - Trailer Launch

2 min read
15 August 2017

What are the secrets to great leadership? Are leaders born, made or both? How can we use the knowledge emerging from the fields of neuroscience and well-being to enhance leadership performance? The upcoming documentary, Make Me A Leader, answers these questions (and more!) while opening a dialogue about how we can apply the latest findings to develop the leaders of the Imagination Age.

I’d like to share something that has been close to my heart for the past 22 months. An idea that started so small and simply has grown into a creation that I am bursting with excitement to share with the world. A documentary that I’ve been working on about leadership is soon to become a reality. I am proud to present, ‘Make Me A Leader’!

As we all know, great leadership is of critical importance to the world we are living in. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a CEO, a political leader or anyone, actually, leadership can be learnt and developed, independently of what position we occupy in life. In fact, it must be learnt and developed!

Our societies and organisations need quality leaders more than ever.

In partnership with film maker and great travel companion, Simon Martin, we decided to embark on this extraordinary journey and explore in great depth what it takes to be a leader and why we should all embrace our own leadership.

Linking Leadership With Brain Science

We traveled the globe talking to many types of leaders, but we also wanted to understand the brains of leaders, and how they work. With this aim in mind, we visited neuroscientists and experts who know the secrets to world-class leadership.

This documentary is the natural by-product of the concepts shared in my book, Leadership is Upside Down, and my 2014 TEDx talk in Sydney, Australia.

As I share in my talk, I am a firm believer that we don’t have to become like Nelson Mandela to lead. As much as we may admire him, we simply cannot be someone else!

We can only be ourselves and aim to be the highest expression of who we already are.

Sometimes it is about becoming more self-aware, or perhaps it is about making more ethical decisions, or even learning how to become more inspirational. 

Whatever it is you want to learn or improve is enough to start making a difference in the lives of those around you. Working to improve ourselves and our brains may motivate others to do the same.

This project has, needless to say, been a large undertaking. This film seeks to answer how you can become a more creative, inspirational and effective leader. 

You will find the answers to some of these questions:

  • Are leaders born, made or both?
  • What does the brain of a great leader look like?
  • What can you do each day to enhance your leadership abilities?

Article updated on Novemeber 1st, 2017 

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