The i4 Live Retreat: A Program Of A Life Time For 2017

2 min read
30 March 2017

As the CEO of the About my Brain Institute, I am committed to leaving a legacy of the work we do. As part of this commitment, we love to create transformational events such as the upcoming 2017 i4 Live Retreat which will take place in Cambodia this October.

These events help us maintain focus on things that are important in life, such as generosity and gratitude. Being more generous is something that we all need to nurture and demonstrate.

Generosity is not just about giving money, time or effort. It is giving away something that we would like to have had for ourselves.  

We take so much for granted in our fast-paced, busy lives. Many of us are fortunate that we don't worry about basic necessities. Clean water, food, and shelter are things that many of us take for granted. We rush and hurry to work and home, without giving a second thought about how lucky some of us are.

Having a roof over our heads is something that we all strive for, but we often seem to be looking for something newer and bigger. What if you could build a house for someone who doesn't have a home at all? How would you feel once you see how a family's life can change forever? 

By partnering with RAW Impact, a non-for-profit organisation that is making a real difference in the lives of others, we hope to leave a meaningful, lasting legacy to improve our world.

Fundraising For A Great Cause

We are excited to be part of this initiative, and our goal as a team is to raise $15,000. Imagine that with just $3,000 we could provide a house for one family. So with our goal amount, we are hoping to build these simple houses for 5 families in need!

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Our Everyday Hero Fundraising Page

Here Are 3 Ways You Can Get Involved:

  1. Go the extra mile and join us at i4 Live in October!
    This amazing learning and hands-on retreat program on Mind-Brain Development will benefit you personally and provide you with a unique learning experience. We will donate $1,000 of your retreat fee to purchase the construction supplies for the house-building project.
  2. Can't make it to the retreat this year?
    Consider making a tax-deductible donation to help this initiative. Your donations will go straight into the project to purchase the materials needed to construct the bamboo houses when we visit Cambodia in October 2017. To donate, simply click the green 'Donate' button on our Everyday Hero page. We sincerely appreciate your generosity, and any size donation counts!
  3. The Gift of Sharing:
    Please join us in spreading the word about our project by sharing this blog post and our Facebook Event Page with your friends and family. Thank you kindly for your support!

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