The ‘Make Me A Leader’ Documentary: Developing The Human Behind The Leader

3 min read
1 August 2018

I am one of those people who has always chosen the road less traveled. I always wondered why because I know this type of road is not generally the easiest. I think I understand the answer now. By choosing the less traveled road, I came to realise that the obstacles I found along the way were there to make me stronger. When we become stronger, we are able to achieve the most impossible dreams.

The ‘Make Me A Leader documentary initially seemed like an impossible dream in my head. But these types of dreams or ideas are ONLY the beginning of a process. Ideas BECOME a reality when you have the commitment of a team. A team made of young creatives, who don’t work in Hollywood and are YET to win an award at a film festival. 

I will be eternally grateful to this amazing team who believed they could do it. I also thank all the cast who contributed with their time and wisdom: experts in business, leadership, scientists and colleagues willing to share their stories and perspectives.

View The Showreel Of Our Sydney Premiere

On July 25th 2018, we privately screened our documentary for the first time in Sydney at the Chauvel Cinema. Our online launch followed shortly after on July 26th. We have put together a showreel which features photographs from the night, as well as the heart warming speeches from Kim Ellis, Executive Director of the Botanical Gardens and Centennial Parklands and David McCubbin, Logie Winning Actor. 

How Is Your Leadership Going?

Expecting people in leadership positions to solve all the challenges we face in the world today is largely futile. We firmly believe that expanding our leadership abilities is critical in this new era - no matter who you are.

When most of us think about being a leader, we think of the greatest leaders in history, people in business or politics making decisions that impact the lives of thousands, or even millions of people. Make Me A Leader sheds new light on what leadership truly means, and it suggests a mindset based on science, providing strategies that can be used by anyone who wants to develop their own leadership.

About The ‘make Me A Leader’ Movie

I have worked in this field for 20 years teaching people how to expand their leadership potential. In 2016, I decided to travel around the world with cinematographer Simon Martin to collate the most current research on how we can build the human behind the leader.

During the next 24 months, we filmed 28 different experts across 4 continents with the idea of encouraging everyone to embrace their own leadership to successfully navigate the challenges and opportunities the Imagination Age presents.

How This Film Can Make A Difference

Leadership is something that pertains to everyone, no matter our role in life. We all need to interact with people, communicate well, solve conflicts and understand how to work with others to achieve what would be impossible to accomplish on our own.

This film can make a difference because it will help viewers think of ‘leadership’ in a new way—to realise that leadership begins with ourselves and that we have the power to change what may not be working for us. Make Me A Leader can be seen by anyone who believes leadership is important. Whoever watches it will be able to learn new strategies based on science that will help them enhance their abilities to remain balanced and engaged, not only at work but in life.

What’s Available?


The documentary became available for purchase online on July 26th, 2018. We have chosen to distribute the film in this way to make it accessible around the world. Our societies desperately need compassionate leaders with healthier mindsets. 

Make Me A Leader aims to help redefine what good leadership could look like and to also develop our upcoming leaders. With this in mind, we have produced the following pieces to educate and create more mindful individuals that can gracefully step into leadership roles.

1. The 85 minute feature film

Through the personal stories of 4 individuals, along with 7 leadership strategies explained by various experts & scientists, the film covers the following topics:

  • The connection between the brain & body
  • The science of meditation
  • Sleep, performance, and leadership
  • Developing resilience and facing your fears
  • Movement & fighting sedentarism
  • Creating more compassionate societies
  • Technology & brain health
  • Understanding the mind-gut connection


2. Expanded Chapters

Together with the Make Me A Leader film, we have made available a collection of 16 in-depth interviews. With over 10 hours worth of educational video content, you will get to hear more from some of the experts who participated in the movie. This online program can be used as a learning resource individually or within organisations to train leaders and their teams.

3. E-Book

We have also produced a free 88 page inspirational and informative e-book based on the ‘7 Well-Being Strategies for Optimal Brain & Body Performance’ that are featured in the documentary. Check it out by accessing our movie teaser.


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