Are You Brave Enough To Trust Your Intuition?

2 min read
11 July 2017

Do you believe in your intuition? Many of us 'go with our gut' when we make quick decisions. While intuition may seem somewhat mystical, it's really our hunches formed using past knowledge and experiences. Does intuition have a place in the business world? Many would say no, but can you train your gut instinct to serve you better?

Steve Jobs, who was known for being the co-founder and CEO of Apple, passed away several years ago. But he left behind a rich legacy of innovation and imagination. His work as a businessman and as an inventor changed our modern world. 

Using Intuition To Change The World

Jobs spent seven months in India, and he felt that his sense of intuition was influenced by people that he met and studied with. Zen meditation had a profound impact on young Jobs, and future designs of the iPhone reflected his appreciation for simplicity. 

While there was nothing magical about Steve Jobs, his ideas were certainly revolutionary. He was able to reinvent his company and adapt his vision with agility. He trusted his instincts, and he was able to play a significant role in developing modern hand-held electronic devices. 

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
Steve Jobs 

To be intuitive, you need to be self-aware and connected to everything that is happening around you. You need to listen to your body and mind and understand how you interact with your environment. 

People May Be Skeptical, And That's Alright

People may not accept intuition as easily as a rational explanation. If you are able to show results, however, they may be more inclined to let you trust your instincts. Being intuitive doesn't mean that you will be right all the time, it just means accessing a little bit of extra information that you can use to make a more sounded decision.

How Intuition Relates To Agility

Intuition is one of the 4 pillars under the competency of Agility in the i4 Neuroleader Model. Being able to access our intuition can make our decision-making process more fluid which allows us in turn, to be less rigid and more agile. 

88% of the people we have surveyed believed that intuition had served them well, yet 76% scoff at the idea of intuition in the business world, so perhaps it is time to give ourselves permission to tap into our gut feelings more often and let them also become part of our daily lives. 

The i4 Neuroleader Program will teach you how to consider your intuitive insights in combination with other sources of information so you feel more comfortable and better prepared to live in an agile world.

i4 Neuroleader Model Framework

5 Tips For Intuition

  1. Be playful
  2. Touch your heart often
  3. Detox periodically (keep your gut clean)
  4. Trust yourself
  5. Still your mind by practicing mindful meditation

Train your intuition to work for you. Today's Imagination Age requires us to adapt quickly to situations and to make decisions rapidly. Your intuition, when guided by your brain, heart, and gut, can help you make better decisions in both your personal and professional lives. 

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