Katharine McLennan

Katharine McLennan

Executive Coach & Psychotherapist
About my Brain Institute

Katharine is passionate about sharing her endless expertise and thought leadership on talent development, strategy, neurocoaching and psychotherapy.

Katharine McLennan has a career that spans corporate strategy, execution and leadership. Her specialty is facilitating executive teams in the integration of strategy, operations, team dynamics and self-transformation. Her ideas on the future of work, leadership culture and HR transformation are provocative and inspiring in seminars, speeches, or writing.

Katharine is now an executive coach and psychotherapist for a range of corporate, government and non-profit leaders of organisations. She focuses on corporate strategy, talent and psychology. She also works with individuals facing depression, anxiety, addiction, trauma, and career transition.

Her corporate roles have included: Head of Strategy and HR for the Federal Government's Export Finance Australia, Vice President of People & Culture of Cochlear, Head of the QBE Global Leadership Academy and Executive General Manager, Talent and Business Unit HR for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

Prior to her corporate career, Katharine spent TEN years in leadership consulting, providing advisory services on behalf of three major organisations: Heidrick & Struggles, the Mettle Group and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Through this work, she led projects in succession planning, CEO team strategy facilitation and executive assessment and development for ASX Top 50 clients, helping these clients to manage their internal pipeline.

Posts by Katharine McLennan

From Manager to Neurocoach: Shaping the Future of Effective Leadership

by Katharine McLennan on 23 May 2023


In the current era, which we refer to as the ‘Imagination Age’, traditional approaches to leadership are no longer enough to guarantee success. With the rapid pace of technological advancement and the increasingly complex global landscape, leaders must be able to adapt to a constantly …

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Back To The Future Of Learning In The Organisational World In 2021

by Katharine McLennan on 19 October 2021

Back To The Future Of Learning In The Organisational World In 2021

Organisational learning today still resembles the organisational learning required to operate a factory back in the 1800’s. There have been advances with the technology of the platform on which we learn, but we have lost our way in how and what humans learn to be the leaders and innov …

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Building Leaders For The Imagination Age: The Case For The i4 Neuroleader Model

by Katharine McLennan on 12 January 2016


Over the last few months, I have had the opportunity to speak to both my 30-year reunion of high school and my 20-year reunion of my Stanford MBA class. Both occasions gave me cause to reflect on how much the world has changed since 1985 and 1995, respectively.

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GQ In Leadership

by Katharine McLennan on 30 October 2015


Whilst some of you would jump to the conclusion that this post might be about why we love tall, dark and handsome men as leaders as Malcolm Gladwell showed us in Blink, the GQ I am referring to is not Gentlemen Quarterly, but rather Gut Intelligence.

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Not Another Article About Leadership Development

by Katharine McLennan on 21 April 2015


VUCA. Mindful Leadership. Neuroleadership. Vertical and Horizontal Development. Conscious Capitalism. The Nine-Box. Emotional Resilience. Measuring Potential. Long Term Talent Pipeline. Spiritual Intelligence. Social Intelligence. Integral Coaching. Systems Thinking... If you don’t kn …

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An Understanding Of (ADT) The Attention Deficit Trait

by Katharine McLennan on 9 January 2011

In January 2005, the Harvard Business Review published an article called “Overloaded Circuits: Why Smart People Underperform.” Its description of the executive being bombarded by emails, Blackberry beeps, voicemails, constant interruptions, back-to-back meetings and deadlines that nev …

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