The “Human” Skills You Need for the Future of Work

2 min read
27 September 2018

The Jobs Landscape in 2022 clearly outlines that “human” skills such as creativity, initiative, critical thinking, persuasion, resilience, leadership and social influence will retain or increase their value.1 Fitting in this new world of work requires us to retrain and up skill ourselves.

As I coach, mentor and train people at all levels within organisations, I am finding the same issues around the world: people are struggling with stress, feelings of overwhelm, lack of focus, anxiety and depression.

These ailments can limit anyone’s capacity to be balanced, resourceful, creative and inspirational, which is EXACTLY what the new world of work is going to require. Learning how to refine your mind/brain/body system is a must-have ability we all need to understand and develop.

Invest In Yourself And Your Future

If you are feeling stuck and don’t know the best path forward, join me at our upcoming i4 Live Retreat on November 9 - 11, 2018 in Byron Bay, where we will focus on developing the mindsets & abilities that will take us into the future.

This program will help you review your current state and teach you how to advance using neuroscience and wellbeing principles and practices. This is the chance for you to take the time to retreat and go through the process of personal transformation, with a science based and practical approach.

The investment is small in comparison to what you can achieve once you discover how to awaken brain networks that could be dormant and unexplored.

Byron, For Healing And Growth

We have been taking groups to different locations in Australia and overseas since 2015 (see our showreels here). This year’s edition will take place in beautiful Byron Bay, known as a 'place of healing’. Byron is the perfect setting to explore in-depth aspects of ourselves that can affect our performance as human beings.


I will be presenting alongside a group of experts on the topics of sleep, gut health, play, interpersonal relationships, the science of meditation, limiting beliefs, neuroplasticity, movement and mind/brain development.


In addition, we will be holding in-depth discussions on the key concepts featured in “Make Me A Leader” a documentary that I have recently directed and produced, which has won awards at various film festivals globally.

This retreat is intended for anyone, from all walks of life, who would like to understand who they are and how to become more self-aware. Take this opportunity to evolve while remaining healthy, resilient and happy.

A better life awaits! What are you waiting for?

1. World Economic Forum. The Future of Jobs Report 2018. World Economic Forum. 2018.

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