Awareness – The Key To Knowing What’s Really Going On?

by Mark Hodgson on 4 July 2017


In a world of open-plan workspaces, headphones and café meetings where everyone is ‘heads down’ in their device, it’s easy for our awareness levels to drop. Learning to pay attention, observe and understand the impact of our reactions, strengths and weaknesses, can significantly influ …

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How Are You Really Doing?

by Silvia Damiano on 29 June 2017

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As a leader, you probably give feedback to your employees all day long. But how often do YOU get to hear how you are doing? Sure, your own boss may offer feedback periodically, but when do you get to hear from those you actually work with every day? Even if it’s not in a formal settin …

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Appreciating Your Own Life To Increase Awareness

by Silvia Damiano on 18 May 2017


You order coffee and take a sip, only to find that it isn't quite right. The barista may have used almond milk instead of non-fat, or maybe that shot of caramel is a little lacking. You probably feel irritated and put out. But then imagine someone who cannot afford that designer cup o …

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How Teaching Can Help You Learn

by The About my Brain Institute on 23 October 2016


We all teach, even if we don't recognise our actions as teaching. Showing a child how to swim, explaining how to set up a report, or coaching a little league game all showcase teaching skills. The ability to teach has enormous value and can lead to increased awareness of ourselves. By …

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Why A Brain-Friendly Immersion Will Benefit Not Just Your Professional But Also Your Private Life

by The About my Brain Institute on 10 March 2016


Going “on retreat” might conjure up images of tie-dye, tree hugging, vegan diets and chanting. But when it’s backed by science and aimed at leadership professionals, consultants, HR managers and creatives, you know you’re in for something a little different.

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Change Makers Vs. Change Resisters

by The About my Brain Institute on 13 April 2015

For many of us, dinner table talk usually invites questions surrounding how your day was and invites us to divulge the good aspects, but imagine growing up having your parents asking, “What did you fail at today kids?” Ok, so you may be thinking that sounds rather negative - but have …

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Challenge Your Unconscious Bias

by Silvia Damiano on 10 January 2015


I was standing across Mission Street, admiring the magnificent San Francisco Chronicle Building, founded in 1856 here in California, and my mind started to go through all the thousands of hours of client engagements, workshops and coaching sessions that took me to that moment. I was h …

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Three Simple Strategies To Create Personal Change

by Silvia Damiano on 30 November 2014


As the end of the year approaches, it is a great time to review what has happened to us throughout this period and how we have changed or evolved. Even when we are oblivious to it, our brains continuously change in response to every situation we encounter in our lives, so it is likely …

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5 Survival Questions For Leaders Of Tomorrow's Economy

by Silvia Damiano on 31 August 2014


From Silicon Valley to Capitol Hill, experts warn that without continuous innovation, companies and even entire economies will fail. And in leadership circles, you're still thinking inside the box if you don't drop the word ‘innovation’ at least once at a meeting. But with all the tal …

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The Verdict: Are Leaders Born Or Made?

by The About my Brain Institute on 19 July 2014


Many still believe that leadership is something that is unattainable and that the learning of certain traits, behaviours or attitudes cannot be done, however, this belief cannot be further from the truth, according to a neuro-leadership expert.

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What Is Intuition?

by Silvia Damiano on 26 June 2014


There always seems to be a lot of confusion around the concept of intuition and even though we use our intuition on a daily basis, people often tend to think of it as being something airy-fairy, mystical or even paranormal. However, people will say without any hesitation ... “I knew i …

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Emotions & Negotiation

by Relmi Damiano on 6 November 2011

Over recent years, academic research has reconsidered the way we think and value emotions.“I think therefore I am”, a statement proposed by French philosopher Rene Descartes, places in people’s minds the idea that thinking and intellect was all that mattered, and that emotions were to …

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