Using Chemistry To Unlock The Secrets Of Leadership And The Brain

by Silvia Damiano on 10 October 2017


Effective communication is essential for great leaders, yet many simply don’t have the skills to inspire, persuade and engage those they lead. Learning how brain chemistry affects leadership styles can help unlock this capability.

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Using Your Brain To Build A Successful Team

by Silvia Damiano on 3 October 2017


In the new world of work, the ability to inspire and gain the confidence of the teams we lead is paramount. Today’s leaders need to understand how the brain works to regulate our emotions and reactions. It is essential in creating the right environment so that people can do and be the …

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Using Smart Tech To Create Mindful Leaders

by Silvia Damiano on 26 September 2017


Businesses do not see a ‘mindfulness’ problem. They see a leadership problem; when those in charge are erratic, emotional or stressed when they need to be calm, present and focused. They do indeed need to be ‘mindful’. Trouble is, some of the ways to achieve a mindful state, such as m …

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From Capitalism To Talentism - Embracing A New Era Of Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 19 September 2017


Leaders can no longer rule via checklists or use fear and unquestioning compliance to push their subordinates around. Employees expect and, increasingly, demand more. In our fast-paced, technological world, effective leaders must instead become a creative force. This gives people the …

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Positive Psychology In The Imagination Age

by Silvia Damiano on 12 September 2017


Unfortunately, no magic pill will erase all your problems and stressors. Negative emotions can profoundly impact a person’s ability to be an effective leader. Ask yourself—are you showing up more frequently as the best version of yourself? If the answer is no, then it’s time to recogn …

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Failing Forward! An Australian Premier Who Made History

by Silvia Damiano on 5 September 2017


Leaders come in many shades. Political leaders are among the most diverse – after all, there are no formal qualifications! They have the ability to affect the lives of millions, yet are exposed to constant scrutiny and criticism. So how do they think about leadership?

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Why Meditation Is An Essential Tool In Our Leadership Performance

by Silvia Damiano on 29 August 2017

Why Meditation Is An Essential Tool In Our Leadership Performance - about my brain institute - transcendental meditation

Enhancing human performance is increasingly important as we adapt to new business models and market conditions. Yet many are still skeptical at the idea of meditation as a high performance tool. It is time to rethink. Neuroscience is now proving the link between the ancient practice o …

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The Key Ingredient For A Successful Life Isn’t Wealth - It’s Happiness

by Silvia Damiano on 15 August 2017


Everyone focuses on money. Making more money. And people who work like this, inevitably burn out. They become unhappy and disillusioned with life. It doesn’t have to be that way. Money and wealth are NOT the secrets to a successful life.

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Make Me A Leader Movie - Trailer Launch

by Silvia Damiano on 15 August 2017


What are the secrets to great leadership? Are leaders born, made or both? How can we use the knowledge emerging from the fields of neuroscience and well-being to enhance leadership performance? The upcoming documentary, Make Me A Leader, answers these questions (and more!) while openi …

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