Watch Out, Shakespeare! It's the Taming of the Neurofeedback Device

2 min read
20 February 2018

When many people hear the phrase ‘neurofeedback device,’ they are likely left scratching their heads. Advancing technology has unlocked new tools that can be used to monitor brain activity—without a sophisticated laboratory setup. These devices can offer real-time data on what’s really going on upstairs.

Don’t Be Katherina, The Shrew! Embrace New Tech And Use A Neurofeedback Device

In Shakespeare’s famous comedy, The Taming of the Shrew, Katherina stubbornly rebukes the advances of her would-be suitor. In this same vein, many people are reluctant to try new technologies such as neurofeedback devices. However, most of us are always ready to jump for the new smartphone, or the new fitness tracker, or whatever digital tech makes your blood pump.

Neuroscience is now studying the links between neurofeedback devices and the effects on users. Using such a device, users can see and hear real-time representations of their own biological responses. While such feedback required an elaborate medical or lab setup, once upon a time, now devices are available for home use. Preliminary data regarding patients with traumatic brain injuries have been promising, with patients seeing a reduction of symptoms regarding mindfulness, mood, and attention (Gray, 2017).

Imagine How Integrating Data From Your Own Brain Can Improve Your Leadership Skills

For maximum performance as a leader, whether you are an actor on stage or a CEO in a boardroom, you have to cultivate all the parts of you—including your physical, mental and emotional selves. Think about how much you could improve your mental game if you could actually see what was going on. Having real data on your brain activity can be an eye-opening moment, and you’ll likely find out more about yourself than you ever imagined possible.

The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the
known universe.

Michio Kaku

Your brain is, in fact, a marvel of science. It’s big, intricate, and simply beautiful. It is now possible to monitor your own brain waves during activities such as meditation, all from the privacy of your own home. And don’t worry—you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg. These devices often cost less than a fitness tracker, and many of them work with your existing smartphone.

Strengthening the integration between your body and mind using neurofeedback devices is now possible. You can build more balance in your life, and hone your mental edge right along with your physical health.

The choices in this life are your own, and would you instead resist modern technology, much as the shrew resisted her lover, or would you rather be on the cutting edge of leadership in today’s Imagination Age?

Gray, S. N. (2017). An Overview of the Use of Neurofeedback Biofeedback for the Treatment of Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury in Military and Civilian Populations.Medical Acupuncture, 29(4), 215–219.

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