Enhance Collaboration Through An Inspiring Self

5 min read
15 August 2016

Inspiration is a word that is used by many, but very few understand that inspiration is at the core of creating a collaborative environment. Various strategies can be used to ignite that spark in our minds and in the minds of others. But you may be wondering why becoming inspirational is worth your time and attention. 

If you watched the 2016 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, you might have felt wonder and inspiration. I certainly did. The four-hour long spectacle began with a well-crafted story showcasing the various ethnic groups that make up Brazil. The ceremony was a great example of cultural integration and it carried another powerful message: an invitation to do more for preserving the environment.

As each athlete entered the impressive Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, they were given seeds. The Olympians placed the seeds in small containers around the arena. The seeds will be planted after the games, leaving an Olympic forest behind for future generations. These seeds will forever be a reminder of the first Olympic Games to be held in South America. 

As I was watching this colorful display and collaborative act for a better future, I found myself smiling at the joyful faces of thousands of volunteers and performers. Young or old, whatever their ethnicity, Brazilians were united and inspired to be a part of this incredible event.

Despite the country's financial difficulties, the reduction in budgets and the security concerns, the 'party spirit' that Brazilians had promised the world was in full force. Their energy was infectious, wowing the crowd and wowing the world. In a way, this ceremony proved that a first-class show is possible, even with a restricted budget, if people work passionately together.

The sophisticated level of execution and collaboration of the opening ceremony wasn't just achieved through good strategic thinking and carefully outlined plans. This type of display required more than the well-known concepts and tools we use in business.

In my view, the elaborate opening to the 2016 games was possible thanks to the inspired individuals with vision and passion. This passion was able to awaken the Olympic spirit in thousands of participants during every step of the way. A country that is struggling with financial and political affairs managed to unite its citizens and inspire the world. I believe this kind of enthusiasm can also be achieved in our workplaces, no matter what part of the world you are in!

Wouldn't it be great to interact with excited, smiling faces at work? What effect would this kind of positivity bring?

Silvia Damiano

At the About my Brain Institute, we help leaders understand the importance of cultivating their own inspiration. We find that incredible things can happen when people devote attention to this ability!

In our i4 Neuroleader Programs we provide effective strategies & tools for people to develop inspiration within themselves and most importantly inspire those around them, which in turn, will result in higher levels of collaboration and engagement.

To help explain, how you can ‘enhance collaboration through an inspiring self’ - I have outlined four main points below:

4 Reasons to Activate
“The Power of Inspiration”

Reason No. 1

It is often simpler and easier if someone else is there to inspire us. Positive, upbeat people radiate infectious energy that we may be craving. It may not always be possible only to spend time with people like this, however.

Perhaps we spend our days surrounded by individuals who complain, gossip or do not take responsibility for their actions or words. Such a negative environment can be harsh and it can drag us down. 

To overcome the effects of this type of energy, we want to create our own inspirational strategies so we can feel positive and be pleasant to others around us. Reading a great biography, listening to an inspirational speaker, or looking for something that we enjoy doing can be a good way to start.


Inspiration, as defined in the dictionary, can also be considered a process of mental stimulation to do or feel something. Processes can be learnt and this is great news. Just as we embark on the process of developing financial intelligence, we could also embark on developing inspirational intelligence.

We might want to pay attention to the way we talk to others and the words we use. Or, we could put effort into figuring out a morning routine that energises us instead of jumping out of bed late and getting to the office rushed and cranky. We should learn to praise others genuinely instead of thinking that praising is irrelevant or lame. 


Much has been written about effective leadership and how it can influence others to help achieve one's vision. Inspiration has always been one of the unquestionable elements to be considered if we want to become effective leaders. Nevertheless, life pressures, stress and busy schedules seem to take a toll when it comes to how leaders use their brains.

People may have a complete understanding of the concept of inspiration, but it can be easy to fall down the rabbit hole. They can forget all about inspiration if they don't know how to keep their left and right frontal lobes of the brain operating in a coherent manner (Waldman et al.). If the brain isn't properly in sync, interactions with others may be more difficult, affecting engagement and performance. 


Anyone with the option to work either for an inspirational leader or for someone who has a bad temper and is negative and difficult to deal with would probably choose the first option. Working for someone who causes tension, worry or fear will affect our nervous system. Instead of being calm and focused, our minds will be racing with anxiety and concern.

Practising inspiration is good for us and for everyone, I would dare say. Inspiration can keep us in a place of enjoyment, ensuring future possibilities and higher engagement, while minimising stress and improving our overall health and well-being.

Cultivate Your Inspiration

Wouldn't it be great to interact with excited, smiling faces at work? What effect would this kind of positivity have for the employee and customer experience? We invite you to learn more about inspiration today! What are you waiting for?

Apart from improving this vital element in your life, there are many more reasons why you could consider broadening your current knowledge and immersing yourself in the teachings of i4. Our programs make people feel awakened, inspired, empowered and ready to take their leadership to a new level. 

To Read More About The I4 Abilities Check Out My Other 3 Articles Which Are Part Of This Blog Series:

  1. Integration leads to Performance
    Read Article: ‘Boosting Performance Through Better Brain & Body Integration’
  2. Inspiration leads to Collaboration
    Explored in this article
  3. Imagination leads to Innovation
    Read article: ‘Triggering Innovation & The Permission To Imagine’
  4. Intuition leads to Agility
    Read article: ‘Explore Your Intuition for Agile Living’

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