5 Strategies To Increase Your Awareness

by Silvia Damiano on 5 March 2019

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Awareness is the ability to perceive and become conscious of one’s inner world while still taking notice of external surroundings. Leaders who learn to pay attention, observe others, and understand their strengths and weaknesses can influence how they respond to others--and how others …

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Aligning Brain, Heart & Gut to Foster Agility

by Silvia Damiano on 26 February 2019

Aligning-Brain-Heart-Gut-To-Foster-Agility - About my Brain Institute

In an age where artificial intelligence is becoming the norm, it is important to focus on the qualities of human beings which allow us to personally transform and offer a broader spectrum for effective thinking. Leaders who are able to understand, perceive and process their emotions a …

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Giving The Gift Of Time To Increase Your Influence

by Silvia Damiano on 24 January 2019

Giving-the-Gift-of-Time-to-Increase-Your-Influence - About my Brain Institute

The fast pace that people are expected to maintain in today’s world of work means that interactions with others are limited and cursory. Taking the time to slow down may mean everything to the other person. By giving value to the opinions and thoughts of others, it’s possible to enhan …

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4 Reasons Why You Should Trust Your Intuition

by Silvia Damiano on 4 December 2018

4-Reasons-Why-You-Should-Trust-Your-Intuition- About my Brain Institute

Going by that “gut feeling” is often considered risky, but in reality, we all have the ability to intuit and connect the intelligence of the mind, heart and gut. Everyone has experienced a time when they just knew something, even if they couldn’t quite explain it. We can develop intui …

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The Remarkable History Of Human Adaptability

by Silvia Damiano on 18 October 2018

The-Remarkable-History-Of-Human-Adaptability - About my Brain Institute

Anthropology is the study of human cultures and societies. It looks at all the factors that make us human. The beginnings of our story stretch back millions of years in time, and anthropology seeks to unravel the long-hidden mysteries of human existence in an attempt to explain the pa …

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Take a Break And Give Yourself A “Youcation”

by Silvia Damiano on 6 September 2018

Take-a-Break-And-Give-Yourself-A-Youcation - About my Brain Institute

With the rapid pace of today’s world, rarely do people find themselves alone. Employees and coworkers demand attention, and then friends and family members do at home. While having a strong, loving group of people is important, it’s also important to spend time alone.

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4 Ways To Add Agility To Your Leadership Toolbox

by Silvia Damiano on 2 August 2018

4-Ways-To-Add-Agility-To-Your-Leadership-Toolbox - About my Brain Institute

Typical methods for project management are very sequential. Follow one step and then the next and so on. This model is linear and straightforward for people to understand, and it’s fine to use when the user requirements and scope are fixed and everyone is on the same page. The booming …

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Move Fast, Stay Upright

by Kim Ellis on 5 July 2018

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Motorcycle riding is a passion for me. The passion and challenge of the weekend rides keep me focused and agile during the week. So why link motorcycle riding to agility? Riding a motorcycle uses all of your senses. You feel the elements, you shift your body to steer, your eyes scan t …

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Leading The Charge To Clean Up Our Planet

by Silvia Damiano on 28 June 2018

Leading-The-Charge-To-Clean-Up-Our-Planet - About my Brain Institute

This tiny blue globe is covered in water, but it’s increasingly becoming covered with something else - plastic. A recent National Geographic cover featured a poignant picture of what seemed to be an iceberg at first glance, but the object was actually a plastic bag. Leaders must take …

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Rejuvenate Your Leadership Skills With An Enriched Vocabulary

by Silvia Damiano on 7 June 2018

Rejuvenate-Your-Leadership-Skills-With-An-Enriched-Vocabulary - About my Brain Institute

Falling into the routine of daily life is easy. Same route to the office, same milk in the coffee, same chair in the morning meeting. Routine can negatively impact writing style, speaking style, and vocabulary. Working on new vocabulary words can increase agility and ensure a healthy, …

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Freshen Up Your Leadership Style With Spontaneity

by Silvia Damiano on 29 May 2018

Freshen-Up-Your-Leadership-Style-With-Spontaneity - About my Brain Institute

Leaders are typically expected to do things by the book. Following routines, filling out spreadsheets, and handling data - everything is a tried-and-true routine. But what about stepping outside of the norm and showing a little spontaneity? Listening to that inner intuition can ensure …

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The Butterfly Effect And The Impact On Your Business World

by Silvia Damiano on 26 April 2018

The-Butterfly-Effect-And-The-Impact-On-Your-Business-World - About my Brain Institute

A kind word or a smile can mean so much to someone having a bad day. Just like a casual response that is tactless or cruel can crush someone. Often, actions themselves speak louder than words, and actions have the same power to lift someone up or negatively impact them.

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