Do You Want A Smack? Yes... Please Mummy!

by Tao de Haas on 14 October 2011

A crying or whinging child in a supermarket is enough to drive anyone around the bend. I’ve seen some mothers try to keep reasoning while others can become more frustrated and desperate.

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Reduce Resistance To Change, Know Thyself!

by The About my Brain Institute on 10 November 2010

Nothing is permanent except change. Attributed to Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 535BC - 475BC). The interesting perspective on the above quote is the era in which it was made. This was a period when change moved at a pace considerably slower than it does today. Change in technology, commu …

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Over Think

by Silvia Damiano on 7 October 2010

Undoubtedly, our brains process many thoughts and bits of information per minute. The question is how long do we ruminate over the same thoughts, or how far we go in allowing certain thoughts to guide our decisions. In a metaphoric sense, how loud is the small bird on our shoulder whi …

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