4 Ways To Increase Your Mental Readiness

by Silvia Damiano on 18 June 2019

4 Ways To Increase Your Mental Readiness- About my Brain Institute

When world-class athletes or performers prepare for an event, it is easy for an outsider to see the physical preparations. Athletes are on the track constantly, musicians are practising non-stop, and dancers are twirling and working their bodies to ready themselves for a performance. …

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3 Strategies to Be a More Ethical Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 30 May 2019

4 Strategies to Be a More Ethical Leader- About my Brain Institute

For many, watching or reading about the news is a frustrating exercise. Ethics seems to have fallen by the wayside as we witness leaders who stand for and believe in things many people find abhorrent. Money, greed and power seem to drive many of these people, and perhaps it is time fo …

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Employee Experience: The First Step Towards A Superb Customer Experience

by Silvia Damiano on 21 May 2019

Employee-Experience-The-First-Step-Towards-A-Superb-Customer-Experience - About my Brain Institute

Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founder of Selfridges department stores in London, is believed to have coined the phrase “the customer is always right”. Businesses that follow the adage are likely looking to convince clients and customers they will get great service and to persuade employ …

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Biohacking Your Body for Better Sleep

by Silvia Damiano on 7 May 2019

Biohacking-Your-Body-for-Better-Sleep - About my Brain Institute

The term “biohacking” may bring nefarious images to your mind, such as criminals sneaking around trying to take over your body. While this notion may be dangerous and even a little seductive, in reality, wellness coaches mean something else entirely. Biohacking means optimising your t …

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The Modern Epidemic: Why Are Leaders Burning Out?

by Silvia Damiano on 30 April 2019

The-Modern-Epidemic-Why-Are-Leaders-Burning-Out - About my Brain Institute

Positions of power often seem to be burdened by an unwanted force–stress. Is stress a necessary evil for people in the upper echelons of leadership, or for those who wield power in an organisation? Leaders are burning out at alarming rates, and perhaps we are turning a blind eye to a …

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4 Tips To Bring Back Your Balance

by Silvia Damiano on 23 April 2019

4-Tips-To-Bring-Back-Your-Balance- About my Brain Institute

For many, balance means the tightrope tricks needed to properly invest time into work and personal endeavours. However, the idea of balance extends to how we prepare our minds and bodies to perform at their best, not only at work but also with our friends and family. The ideal balance …

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Positive People Help You Increase Your Performance

by Silvia Damiano on 16 April 2019

Positive-People-Help-You-Increase-Your-Performance - About my Brain Institute

Life has a funny way of connecting human beings. It could be chance encounters at a coffee shop, camaraderie in a computer game, or an interaction at a convention. We meet all types of people in our daily lives, but some people aren’t good people to spend time with. How can we mingle …

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Stress at Work - The True Killer of High Performing Teams

by Silvia Damiano on 12 March 2019

Stress at Work - The True Killer of High Performing Teams

While we may not worry about the same things we did a hundred or a thousand years ago, as humans we still face stress. Everything in our modern world seems to move so quickly. It almost feels as if we can blink and miss a business deal to the competition. Work demands, being a good pa …

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The Neurobiology of Integration - Becoming a High Performing Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 7 March 2019


An orchestra perfectly in tune led by a competent conductor can create balanced, beautiful music. When our bodies are in tune, with a healthy brain at the helm, we also achieve balance. However, when our brain health is not optimised, our balance is thrown off and our minds and bodies …

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Do Meditation & Mindfulness Really Work in the Office?

by Silvia Damiano on 12 February 2019

Do-Meditation-and-Mindfulness-Really-Work-in-the-Office - About my Brain Institute

Stress in the workplace contributes to poor physical and mental health, and the negativity associated with stress can affect your personal relationships, as well. Stress management techniques are helpful to avoid burnout and the health issues that stress causes. Meditation and mindful …

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Give Yourself Permission To Say “I Don’t Know”

by Silvia Damiano on 8 January 2019

Give-Yourself-Permission-To-Say-I-Dont-Know - About my Brain Institute

Leaders are often expected to have all the answers--right away and all the time. But, no single person can be an expert on everything. Knowledge gaps and unknown topics shouldn’t bring up feelings of dread. It’s okay to say “I don’t know”, even for leaders

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Happiness: A Fountain Of Rejuvenation For The Brain

by Silvia Damiano on 1 January 2019

A-Fountain-of-Rejuvenation-for-the-Brain - About my Brain Institute

Most every field, no matter if it is artistic or grounded in the business world, requires a performance at the upper echelons of success. While the artistic world of dance, music and theatre may seem more flashy, the “performances” given by top CEOs and influential politicians are no …

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