Bringing People Back Together to Maintain Social Cohesion & Wellbeing

by Silvia Damiano on 19 April 2023

_feature-Bringing People Back Together to Maintain Social Cohesion and Wellbeing - About my Brain Institute

Finding Neuroscience while Retracing History I was recently in Germany attending a Neuroscience Conference. As a lover of all types of learning, I was deeply inspired to visit Göttingen, the city of knowledge. Its University was founded in 1734, once the most visited in Europe, and ha …

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Having The Courage To Fail And Then Try Again

by Silvia Damiano on 5 April 2023

Having The Courage To Fail And Then Try Again - About my Brain Institute11

It’s normal to feel like quitting or that you have failed. Everyone feels like that sometimes. Whether it pertains to large or small goals or experiences in life, we inevitably fail at some of them. However, we can either accept failure as a necessary step towards success or let failu …

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How Energy & Vitality Enhance Your Performance

by Silvia Damiano on 28 March 2023

How Energy and Vitality Enhance Your Performance - about my brain institute

Energy and vitality are often used as buzzwords around an office, but why are they especially important for leadership? Ask yourself, do people want to follow someone who is exhausted all the time? The answer is probably no, and exhaustion and fatigue in leaders generally affect every …

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A Daily Affirmation Can Drive Innovation

by Relmi Damiano on 21 March 2023

A Daily Affirmation Can Drive Innovation - About my Brain Institute

Resilient leaders can better handle adversity as it arises. We have seen how neglect and stress in childhood can wire the brain a certain way, and we understand that we can rewire the brain because of neuroplasticity. This means we can make changes, particularly if we work at it.

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Topics: Innovation Drive

The Neurobiology of Performance: Applying Brain-Friendly Practices in Coaching & Wellbeing Training

by Silvia Damiano on 15 March 2023

The Neurobiology of Performance: Application of Brain-Friendly Practices for Coaching & Wellbeing - About my Brain Institute

During a recent chat with Dr Kaushik Ram, we discussed questions coaches and leaders may have before embarking on our programs. Our 2024 edition of the i4 Neuroleader™ Certification, has been upgraded to include lessons on the ‘Neurobiology of Coaching, Well-Being and Brain-Friendly P …

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Leadership Realised

by Mindy Murrow on 8 March 2023

Leadership Realised - About my Brain Institute

What I Knew to be True It’s 2006, I hear David Rock speak at a conference and spend time with him to better understand the messages he was bringing to the world. I’m energised about bringing the brain and neuroscience into my work as an Organisational Development (OD) practitioner and …

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The Skills of the Future Are Not What We Think

by Silvia Damiano on 5 March 2023

The Skills of the Future Are Not What We Think - About my Brain Institute

As part of my continuous efforts to maintain optimal brain functioning, I recently joined a group of pickleball enthusiasts in my area. I have never played this sport, which combines elements of tennis, badminton and table tennis. To my surprise, as I researched it, I learnt that this …

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Having The Courage To Let Go Of Perfectionism

by Silvia Damiano on 2 March 2023

Having The Courage To Let Go Of Perfectionism

The world has been forced to acknowledge that business as usual is not always as easy as it used to be. There are some situations where we simply cannot control what happens, and we need the courage to let things go when it is time. For people who lean towards perfectionism, this loss …

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Employees “Sold A Myth” About Busyness: Scientist

by Press Room on 1 March 2023

Employees “Sold A Myth” About Busyness: Scientist - Silvia Damiano

A simple activity that's been “ignored in the pursuit of high productivity” for many years could hold the key to better performance at work, a neurocoach says.

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How Your Memory Can Make Or Break Your Performance

by Silvia Damiano on 22 February 2023

How Your Memory Can Make Or Break Your Performance

Effective leaders are more efficient with a healthy brain, including the structures which handle memory. Recalling information quickly is essential when making decisions on the fly. By improving overall physical and mental health, leaders can increase performance with improved memory. …

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The Importance of ‘Daydreaming’

by Relmi Damiano on 13 February 2023

The Importance of Daydreaming-About-my-Brain-Institute12

Neuroscience has shed some light on daydreaming or letting the mind wander. Humans spend up to half of their waking hours daydreaming. The ‘decoupling hypothesis’ proposes that when we daydream, brain resources are shifted away from our external environment to our internal environment …

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On Miracles, Confidence and Self-Efficacy

by Silvia Damiano on 8 February 2023

On Miracles Confidence and Self-Efficacy - About my Brain Institute

“I believe that we can ‘all’ perform miracles, it’s all up here”, says actor Cuba Gooding Jr., signalling his head. He is playing the role of neurosurgeon Dr Ben Carson in the 2009 film ‘Gifted Hands’, recently released by Netflix. Whether the script reveals his true words or not, the …

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