Move. Nourish. Perform.

by The About my Brain Institute on 12 May 2015

When we think about the terms ‘performance’ and ‘nourishment’, the majority of us relate these to exercise and the food we eat. But have you ever considered that alongside these physical benefits, movement also has the ability to nourish your mind and improve your mental performance?

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Ultra Nutrition For The Ultimate Animal

by Kaushik Ram on 14 December 2014


Humans are the only animal to occupy the earth from pole to pole and are the only creatures to escape the earths stratosphere to explore the earths Auroric zones.

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Unforgettable Mandela

by Silvia Damiano on 7 December 2013


Son, father, prisoner, peacekeeper, leader and hero – Nelson Mandela. As I think about the many roles he has taken throughout his life, I think of what a truly amazing, gifted and humble spirit he was; and whilst it saddens me that we must now bid farewell to one of the most incredibl …

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The BrainArt Exhibition Launch For 2012 Approaches

by Silvia Damiano on 16 October 2012

As the BrainArt Exhibition Launch for 2012 approaches fast, it occurred to me that explaining once more the relationship between pleasure and brain could be worthwhile. One of the best ways to gain a deeper understanding of what this relationship means and why it is important to enhan …

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The Pleasure Of Exercising

by The About my Brain Institute on 7 August 2012

It’s understandable that there are pleasures for food, drugs gambling, or sex. Some people, however, find the pleasure from exercise more difficult to comprehend, let alone achieve. Exercise undoubtedly provides extremely good health benefits, including cardiovascular benefits, blood …

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On Time

by Silvia Damiano on 6 September 2011

In the last four months, I have run many workshops, many coaching sessions and travelled many miles. In the middle of all this, I realised that when I hit the pillow at night my usual writing was not being done. It was then, when I decided that although it would be nice to have more h …

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What Does It Take To Focus

by Silvia Damiano on 28 February 2011

With only 5 days remaining before the Launch of an event like the Brain Art Exhibition, it is hard to think about anything else. Apart from reminding everyone to join us this coming Thursday March 3rd between 5 and 9 pm, today I want to talk about the importance of a having a focused …

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Work Life Balance

by Shelley Wilkins on 24 January 2011

Meet Fred. We’ve hidden his face as Fred is a highly paid business executive. Fred arrived home from work late as usual, opened a bottle of red wine and sat down to reply to emails and plan tomorrows schedule.

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An Understanding Of (ADT) The Attention Deficit Trait

by Katharine McLennan on 9 January 2011

In January 2005, the Harvard Business Review published an article called “Overloaded Circuits: Why Smart People Underperform.” Its description of the executive being bombarded by emails, Blackberry beeps, voicemails, constant interruptions, back-to-back meetings and deadlines that nev …

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The Chalk Urban Art Festival

by Silvia Damiano on 14 October 2010

Last Sunday I went to the Chalk Urban Art Festival where Julie Doye, our featured artist for the 2011 Brain Art Exhibition was doing a great piece of chalk work about Jimmy Hendrix. Congratulations Julie, your artwork was phenomenal! Despite my science background, I have always been a …

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Remembering India

by Silvia Damiano on 13 June 2010

Remembering India

Putting things into perspective for busy people. More than a year ago I went on a “renewal trip”. One of my destinations was India, an exotic land full of contrasts.

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