Employees “Sold A Myth” About Busyness: Scientist

by Press Room on 1 March 2023

Employees “Sold A Myth” About Busyness: Scientist - Silvia Damiano

A simple activity that's been “ignored in the pursuit of high productivity” for many years could hold the key to better performance at work, a neurocoach says.

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Become A ‘Brain-Friendly Coach’ And Change Your Outlook On Life

by Silvia Damiano on 23 January 2023

Become A ‘Brain-Friendly Coach’ And Change Your Outlook On Life

Many things have occurred during the past ten years, including economic ups and downs, social unrest across nations, a global pandemic and an unprecedented lockdown for billions of people. The relationship we have with our minds and bodies has inevitably been altered because of this t …

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The Body As The Mind’s Best Ally

by Maite Crespo on 20 May 2022

The Body As The Mind’s Best Ally

If I’d ask you what stress means to you, you will probably tell me that stress is feeling overwhelmed, not having time, not arriving on time or too much work...

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Is Your Gut Holding You Back?

by Gus Rickard on 17 March 2022

Is Your Gut Holding You Back?

Walk into any health food store and I'm sure you will be dazzled by the sheer number of products devoted to digestive health! Shelves stacked with bone broth powders, digestive enzymes and probiotics. It seems like every second ad on my instagram feed is selling something to improve g …

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Managing Uncertainty and Loss

by Pilar Segura on 21 February 2022

Managing Uncertainty and Loss

When we face difficult situations in our lives, our reactions may vary depending on whether we are a child, an adolescent, or an adult. How do we acquire the knowledge and resources that allow us to act in the most appropriate way?

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Healing With The Brain In Mind - Part 1

by Maggie Buchanan on 31 January 2022

Healing With The Brain In Mind - Part 1

Part 1 of this 2 part blog explores the relationship between chronic stress and chronic disease so that we can better understand the factors within our control to boost our wellbeing and improve our health. Rates of chronic disease like autoimmune conditions, diabetes, cancer, anxiety …

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How To Maintain A Healthy Brain

by Ricardo González Escobar on 1 November 2021

How To Maintain A Healthy Brain

Are you always busy and never take the time to relax? Do you take care of your body and physical condition even when you are feeling overworked? Are you lacking energy and vitality? Can you eliminate distractions and focus? These are just some of the questions I ask my clients when ta …

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Navigating Staff Mental Health In A Pandemic

by Silvia Damiano on 14 September 2021

Navigating Staff Mental Health In A Pandemic - About my Brain Institute

It is no secret that many people are stressed out due to the Covid pandemic. However, part of the problem is that our mental health was not stellar before the pandemic hit, so now many workers find themselves needing mental health care more than ever. But what are leaders doing to hel …

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Brain-Friendly Leadership: A Wellness Guide That Takes You Back to Basics

by Silvia Damiano on 1 September 2021

Brain-Friendly Leadership Book

As we were preparing to launch ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership’ in Spain back in March 2020, COVID-19 hit. Although this event put a considerable delay on our book release date due to months of uncertainty, the content of this publication became even more relevant.

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A New Kind of Leader is Needed

by Silvia Damiano on 26 August 2020

A New Kind of Leader is Needed - About my Brain Institute

Leaders are often in a position to see and facilitate great changes, for the betterment of society in general. The time for the neuroleader is now, and the time to rise up and demand action has come. Like a Pandora’s box about to open, brain health is already affecting our way of life …

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Your Phone Is Rotting Your Brain--Give It A Break Now And Then

by Relmi Damiano on 2 July 2020

Your Phone Is Rotting Your Brain--Give It A Break Now And Then - About my Brain Institute

An old photo from decades ago has become a popular meme, and it shows people each with a newspaper up, almost as a sort of shield against talking to others. It is usually captioned with something like ‘technology is making us antisocial’.

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Keeping Our Brains Healthy In A Toxic World

by Relmi Damiano on 25 June 2020

Keeping Our Brains Healthy In A Toxic World - About my Brain Institute

We can change our lifestyles to help improve our brain health. We can ensure we get enough sleep, spend more time outside, exercise and meditate, and eat healthy, nutritious foods. But what about the other dangers in the world, such as pathogens and diseases that can negatively impact …

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