Curiosity - The Key To Your Future Success

by Mark Hodgson on 11 August 2016


One of the emerging ‘hot topics’ is the increasing awareness that computers and artificial intelligence are going to transform our world more rapidly and profoundly than we thought possible.

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From The Hospital On Election Day

by Silvia Damiano on 3 July 2016


Saturday it was Election Day in Australia. It’s been a long and arduous campaign but the final “Game of Thrones” like battle between the Liberal and Labor parties has finally arrived. Who will emerge victorious?

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Implicit Intelligence And Innovation

by Kaushik Ram on 21 April 2016


Innovation is neither science nor entrepreneurship. It is a very human desire to upgrade our existence. An inner drive to see the world differently. A relentless passion, an obsession to investigate, an urgency to create with what we have now!!!

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3 Basic Steps To Develop Your Creative Mind

by Silvia Damiano on 14 April 2016


It is only in recent times that neuroscientists are starting to unravel what happens when we create. We used to leave creativity in the hands of prodigies and talented artists, but now we know that it is something that anyone can do and nurture.

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Proving The Impossible, Possible

by The About my Brain Institute on 29 April 2015

For many, the nine-to-five work-life reality, mixed with after hours activities, can leave us feeling rather stale in terms of having an exciting routine - but who said routines are good for us anyway?

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Lucy – Flirting With Reality?

by Kaushik Ram on 13 August 2014


The recent movie – Lucy invites a Paradigm shift. The movie dwells on some neuroscientifcally bewildering possibilities.

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How Did The Croods Deal With Change?

by Silvia Damiano on 2 April 2013

Can we learn how to deal with change from the recently released movie The Croods? I definitely think we can. This is a great film with a powerful message for any audience (particularly those who are still in touch with their inner child).

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What About Drugs And Pleasure?

by The About my Brain Institute on 29 July 2012

Pleasure is a large part of our lives, and we as humans, spend an enormous amount of time aimed at chieving pleasure. There are some pleasures that are obviously good for us, and are essential to basic survival. Then there are other pleasures, which are not. Causing more than 600 deat …

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The Story Of The Busy Business Man, The Sage & The Value Of Self Knowledge

by Silvia Damiano on 14 April 2012

What would you do differently if you knew yourself better? The sage asked the busy businessman. I would not take my reactions so seriously. That is why I have asked you to come, so you can teach me how to do it, the business man replied impatiently. And how do your reactions affect yo …

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Neuroscience And Marketing – New Frontiers?

by The About my Brain Institute on 29 November 2010

Much of modern Western thinking about human behaviour has been premised on the idea that human behaviour is essentially a product of reason and rationality, albeit containing emotional aspects.

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