The Biggest Buzzword in Business is “Innovation” - Let’s Dig Deeper!

by Silvia Damiano on 26 March 2019


Innovation should be at the heart of what we do as leaders. While the notion of innovation is a popular buzzword, in reality, the marketplace is constantly changing, and we need to think about how we can help workers adapt and overcome habits and fear. Understanding how our brain func …

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The Neurobiology of Imagination - Becoming an Innovative Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 21 March 2019


We live in a time when knowledge is literally at our fingertips. Even very young children know how to navigate Google or YouTube to find cartoons or information that interests them. In a world where nearly everyone can access an unlimited amount of information, how can we learn to sta …

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Learn to Love the Library Again

by Silvia Damiano on 14 February 2019


A recent article in Forbes stated that local libraries should close and be replaced with Amazon. Written by an economics professor, the author suggested that libraries are obsolete because of technology. The piece has since been removed from Forbes’ website, but it’s heartening to see …

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A Life-Changing Film is Out There Somewhere

by Silvia Damiano on 7 February 2019

A-Life-Changing-Film-is-Out-There-Somewhere - About my Brain Institute

Films, and in particular, documentaries have been around for nearly 100 years. The first official documentary is usually considered to be the work by Robert Flaherty. Made in 1922, Nanook of the North unveiled the difficult life of Canadian Inuits.1 These kinds of films have come a lo …

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4 Ways To Stimulate Your Curiosity

by Silvia Damiano on 15 January 2019

4-Ways-To-Stimulate-Your-Curiosity - About my Brain Institute

Humans are inquisitive by nature. Most of us cannot resist a quick peek at whatever commotion is going on around us, or we sneak a glance at our phone if it pings quietly during a meeting. Nurturing this curiosity will create the conditions for innovation and help us handle the uncert …

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4 Ways To Showcase Your Imagination

by Silvia Damiano on 25 October 2018

4-Ways-To-Showcase-Your-Imagination - About my Brain Institute

Everyone imagines during the day, and it’s possible to use this imagination to problem solve and come up with new innovations and strategies. The same neural pathways are activated when the real event is experienced or when it is imagined. Learning to harness this enormous power will …

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A Fresh Agenda: Take A Shower To Spark Creativity

by Press Room on 26 September 2018


Silvia Damiano speaks to Cristina Mendonsa from A Fresh Agenda about the of leadership, the About my Brain Institute and her new documentary, “ ”. They discuss creativity and how to train our brains to be more innovative.

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Communication Skills Are Like A Muscle, They Need Exercise

by Silvia Damiano on 18 September 2018

Communication-Skills-Are-Like-A-Muscle-They-Need-Exercise - About my Brain Institute

Quality leaders have to do more than merely manage the endless flow of paperwork and tasks. They must also be able to nurture and create an environment open to innovation, creativity and good communication. These skills are so often overlooked in leaders, but crucial in this global, f …

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Swing Into A New Mindset For Better Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 13 September 2018

Swing-Into-A-New-Mindset-For-Better-Leadership - About my Brain Institute

Focusing only on work means that other obligations are neglected. And, just as importantly, it means personal growth and time to dream are limited or nonexistent. Finding time to let your mind wander is important for a good mindset and improved mental and physical health.

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Creating An Environment That Stokes The Fires Of Creativity And Innovation

by Silvia Damiano on 11 September 2018

Creating An Environment That Stokes The Fires Of Creativity And Innovation - About my Brain Institute

The leadership paradigms of the past did not leave much room for new ideas. Many workers were advised to keep their heads down and simply continue to endure. Fortunately, this kind of thinking is quickly becoming obsolete. People have so much more to offer in an environment where crea …

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Finding The Passion To Successfully Lead In The Imagination Age

by Silvia Damiano on 28 August 2018

Finding-the-Passion-to-Successfully-Lead-in-the-Imagination-Age - About my Brain Institute

The narrow-minded focus that was so prevalent in past generations regarding leadership has gradually given way, partially in thanks to neuroscience and a better understanding of the human psyche, to a new type of leadership. Passion helps drive and inspire people to create and innovat …

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4 Methods To Support Innovation In the Workplace

by Silvia Damiano on 23 August 2018

4-Methods-To-Support-Innovation-In-the-Workplace- About my Brain Institute

Developing superior skills of innovation is crucial for today’s leaders, requiring imagination and creativity to piece together the big picture. New ideas are constantly needed to respond to the global business economy. To truly be innovative, the brain must be receptive to new though …

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