Punched In The Gut, Heart And Brain

by Brooke Schiller on 11 May 2016


Nine months ago today, I was punched in the gut, and the heart, and the brain. I received the results of my SPECT brain scan imaging from the Amen Clinic in San Francisco and my life changed in a heartbeat. As I looked at my scans for the first time with a semi untrained eye, I knew t …

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The Sales Person Is Dead. Long Live The Sales Leader

by Ian Lowe on 7 January 2016


“Houston we have a problem!” is a quote made famous by Tom Hanks in his portrayal of Astronaut James Lovell in the 1995 movie Apollo 13 after their spacecraft experiences massive damage ending their mission to the Moon and putting the lives of the three astronauts on board in great je …

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Gut Health & Well-Being

by Silvia Damiano on 12 October 2015


Several years ago I participated in a workshop led by Dr. Deepak Chopra in California called “Journey into Healing”. That was an experience that I have never forgotten. In that program, Deepak unravelled the secrets of good health following basic Ayurvedic principles. Since then, inte …

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Strategic Thinking & The i4 Neuroleader Model

by Silvia Damiano on 21 September 2015


Most organisations would agree that a hurdle many leaders have to overcome at some point in their careers is navigating the transition from being operational to working more strategically. Waiting for that moment to arrive without preparation can limit a person’s potential and generat …

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Our Founder Silvia On The Mojo Radio Show

by The About my Brain Institute on 30 June 2015

Silvia Damiano is the creator, thought leader and founder of The About my Brain Institute whose purpose is to democratise leadership & neuroscience. She has a passionately held belief that leaders in our 21st century global economy and their organisations must radically change lon …

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Look For Greatness, Constantly

by The About my Brain Institute on 9 April 2015

Learning to be an influencer can be a challenging task for many, but its value in both leadership and everyday life is significant. One of the greatest misconceptions about influence is how we approach it.

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Does The Leader Of Today Need To Think Like A Designer?

by Silvia Damiano on 20 January 2015


In the past few years, design thinking has percolated throughout the world and embraced by many professionals who want to improve the way they think and solve problems.

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Intuition: An Advisor On Your Team

by Silvia Damiano on 18 September 2014


Intuition is a great resource to have in your leadership tool box. It is becoming increasingly important that people in the business world are able to make quicker decisions to match the requirements of this fast-paced world.

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Topics: Agility Intuition

Murderers Of Innovation: The Power Of Disempowerment

by Matthew Galik on 13 September 2014


In an article published in the Huffington Post on August 28th, About My Brain CEO Silvia Damiano listed five ‘survival’ questions for leaders of tomorrow’s innovation-based economy.

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What Is Intuition?

by Silvia Damiano on 26 June 2014


There always seems to be a lot of confusion around the concept of intuition and even though we use our intuition on a daily basis, people often tend to think of it as being something airy-fairy, mystical or even paranormal. However, people will say without any hesitation ... “I knew i …

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Does Anyone Listen To My Ideas?

by Silvia Damiano on 23 July 2011

Nelson Mandela turned 93 years of age a few days ago in South Africa and 12 million school kids sang “Happy Birthday” early in the morning on that day. In the meantime, a colleague of mine shows me one of his famous quotes: “As a leader, I have always endeavored to listen to what each …

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