Your Heart Is Smarter Than A Dumb Pump

by Silvia Damiano on 7 August 2018

About My Brain Institute-Your-Heart-is-Smarter-than-a-Dumb-Pump

While the brain often gets all the glory, other organs are important from an intelligence and emotional standpoint. The human heart has long been misunderstand. Now science has shown that heart intelligence is a thing, and the heart is much more than a dumb pump.

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The ‘Make Me A Leader’ Documentary: Developing The Human Behind The Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 1 August 2018


I am one of those people who has always chosen the road less traveled. I always wondered why because I know this type of road is not generally the easiest. I think I understand the answer now. By choosing the less traveled road, I came to realise that the obstacles I found along the w …

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Sleep to Lead — Improving Cognitive Function And Performance

by Silvia Damiano on 31 July 2018

Sleep to Lead — Improving Cognitive Function And Performance - About my Brain Institute

Sleep. For so many, it’s an elusive dream. With the constant demands for more and more coming from every direction, people may compensate by taking less time for sleep. But this sleep-deprived state isn’t good for anyone and likely contributes to short and long-term health risks.

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Escaping From The Prison Of Fear To Create The Life You Deserve

by Silvia Damiano on 24 July 2018

Escaping-From-The-Prison-Of-Fear-To-Create-The-Life-You-Deserve - About my Brain Institute

Most people know all too well the feeling of paralyzing fear. The moment when the heart pounds, breathing is harsh and heavy, and the muscles seem frozen or poised to take flight. For some, this response can have a profound negative impact on daily life. But, there is hope, and it is …

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Are Your Cogs Working Properly?

by Silvia Damiano on 17 July 2018

Are-Your-Cogs-Working-Properly - About my Brain Institute

Physical health is often promoted and encouraged, from ads in social media to scientific articles that tout the many benefits. While physical fitness is essential, mental health is equally as important. A healthy brain is a machine with lots of parts, and all these parts are required …

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Why You Should Be Listening To That Gut Feeling — Literally

by Silvia Damiano on 10 July 2018

Why You Should Be Listening To That Gut Feeling — Literally - About my Brain Institute

The brain is often thought of as the end-all for controlling bodily functions. But, research is now showing that other body parts, such as the heart and gastrointestinal tract, profoundly affect the mind. The lifestyles of leaders can negatively impact the gut, leading to toxic brain …

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Four Must Do’s To Be A Vital Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 3 July 2018

Four-Must-Do’s-to-Be-a-Vital-Leader - About my Brain Institute

The mind is based on physiology, and every part of the body can influence our minds. The link between the mind and body is a two-way street, and if leaders want to perform optimally, a healthy mind-body system is required. In today’s busy business environment, leaders often forget abo …

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Engaging The Brains Of Others

by Silvia Damiano on 26 June 2018

Engaging-the-Brains-Of-Others - About my Brain Institute

Technology has advanced tremendously in the past decades, which has helped to unlock neuroscience and the secrets of the brain. While routine check-ups are a normal occurrence for other parts of the body, regular brain check-ups are now also becoming possible. In the near future, doct …

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Saying It Like It Is - When Love And Trust Matter

by Silvia Damiano on 19 June 2018

Saying It Like It Is - When Love And Trust Matter - About my Brain Institute

Bad leadership can bring even the mightiest organisation to its knees. A company can go from successful and thriving to floundering and failing virtually overnight if people without the right leadership attributes assume the helm. Leaders must realise that love and trust are an integr …

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Understanding The Value Of A Leadership Journey

by Silvia Damiano on 12 June 2018

Understanding-The-Value-Of-A-Leadership-Journey - About my Brain Institute

Play hard and work hard. This is the view that many people feel is relevant to their lives, but this kind of attitude brings up a false sense of the challenges they face in the world. Instead of frantically rushing from one point to another, effective leaders should slow down, watch, …

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Life Is Richer When We Embrace The Leader Within

by Silvia Damiano on 5 June 2018

Life Is Richer When We Embrace The Leader Within - About my Brain Institute

If I think about my leadership journey as a sequence of events to experience, I rarely envision a straight line. Rather, I picture a flowing river that travels down a mountain, bending and adapting to the surface of a rugged terrain. Maybe you prefer to think about yours as a hand-dra …

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Shooting An Arrow Into The Future To Change The World

by Silvia Damiano on 17 October 2017

Shooting An Arrow Into The Future To Change The World - About my Brain Institute

Constant political, economic and technical changes make today an exciting time to be alive, but they also create uncertainty. Artificial intelligence is a reality and – understandably – is a source of fear for many. But what if it’s possible to ensure that the future is a good place - …

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