Balancing Wellbeing and Leadership Using The i4 Neuroleader Model

by Jessica Stratford on 8 October 2019

Balancing Wellbeing And Leadership Using The i4 Neuroleader Model - About my Brain Institute

As a leadership coach and a health and wellbeing kinesiologist, I’ve found these roles haven’t been integrated into mainstream leadership circles yet. With the rise of wellbeing-related issues in the general community, this integration is where my interest lies in supporting organisat …

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Moving From A Fragile To Agile Approach To Deliver Future Workforce Outcomes

by Rob Halsall on 24 September 2019

Moving From A Fragile To Agile Approach To Deliver Future Workforce Outcomes - About my Brain Institute

I found the i4 Neuroleader Certification to be an extremely fulfilling learning experience. I thoroughly enjoyed how the course content was presented and delivered and found myself being able to easily engage with the process.

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Aligning Brain & Gut For Improved Mental Health

by Kathryn Van Der Steege on 27 August 2019

Aligning Brain & Gut For Improved Mental Health - About my Brain Institute

I am passionate about sharing. Sharing my story and telling people there is another way. Another way to manage your emotions, manage how you respond in any given situation and to manage that inner voice, which if left unchecked, can wreak so much havoc. I am also passionate about shar …

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A Leadership Model That Fits Mine

by Helen Fitness on 13 August 2019

A Leadership Model That Fits Mine - About my Brain Institute

So much of today’s business leadership remains stuck in a fear-based Industrial Age model of “Command and Control.” It’s a model developed in the days when production lines required military-style leadership to stay productive. I’ve experienced it in my own corporate career and rebell …

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Rediscover A Healthier Self With The i4 Neuroleader Methodology

by Agustina Yasielski on 9 July 2019

Rediscover A Healthier Self With The i4 Neuroleader Methodology - About my Brain Institute

The i4 Neuroleader Methodology appeared in my life in what became a life-changing moment. Last year I was going through a stressful period at work and in my emotional life. I felt I was barely handling everything when suddenly, there was a pain in my gut and it bloated without a medic …

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A Leadership Model that Offers a Holistic Approach to Human Potential

by Sally Wernham on 21 February 2019

A Leadership Model that Offers a Holistic Approach to Human Potential - About my Brain Institute

With a keen interest in leadership development, I was inspired to engage with the i4 Neuroleader Model & Methodology for a few reasons. As a neurobiology-based personal leadership and well-being model, it aligned with my interest in the growing body of neuroscientific research on …

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Leading with Love & Compassion: Growing with the i4 Neuroleader Model

by Kim Ellis on 5 February 2019

Leading-with-Love-and-Compassion-Growing-with-the-i4-Neuroleader-Model - About my Brain Institute

This has been a long journey for me, and the completion of this training program, many months after the course, also marks the end of my time at the Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands. These final weeks and the participation in the About my Brain training has made me realise I h …

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Bring Balance Back to Your Life with the i4 Neuroleader Model

by Samantha Z. Dzabic on 29 January 2019

Bring-Balance-Back-to-Your-Life-With-The-i4-Neuroleader-Model - About my Brain Institute

I was excited to participate in the Program with Silvia Damiano because I have a background in psychology and also organisational behaviour. I thought this would be a repeat of what I already knew about brain physiology & plasticity - but now I realise I was very wrong.

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VUCA In The Public Sector & The i4 Neuroleader Model

by Stephen Murray on 22 January 2019

VUCA-In-The-Public-Sector-The-i4-Neuroleader-Model - About my Brain Institute

The term VUCA resonates with me in today’s age as the pace of change of technology, commerce, government, politics and society moves forward. From my perspective in the public sector, the term of VUCA is not heard often. I used it the other day at a staff conference and in return, I r …

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If You Want Something Different, Do Something Different

by Sandra Williams on 20 November 2018

If-You-Want-Something-Different,-Do-Something-Different - About my Brain Institute

“If you want something different, do something different,” words that have guided my decisions over the last few years. Those are the words that lead me on the path to seek out a different way to develop the skills and confidence needed to not only guide individuals but those in leade …

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We Are Finally Applying Science To Make Feedback Work!

by Lettie Dalton on 26 July 2018

We-Are-Finally-Applying-Science-To-Make-Feedback-Work! - About my Brain Institute

Over the last decade, I have taken an interest in the field of neuroscience and its development and findings. I completely agree that there is a lot that we know about the brain and about leadership that is not currently being used or put into practice, particularly in the workplace. …

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21st Century Leadership In Collaboration

by Ruth Donde on 22 May 2018

21st-Century-Leadership-In-Collaboration - About my Brain Institute

Strategy is not a solo sport! Regardless of how creative, smart and savvy you may be, in this day and age, you can not transform a team, a business unit, an organisation without the brainpower and commitment of others! Collaboration is a critical leadership competency for the 21st cen …

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