The i4 Neuroleader Model and the CIES Islands

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 9 July 2020

The i4 Neuroleader Model and the CIES Islands - About my Brain Institute

We are in times of Digital Leadership because automation and new technologies are here to stay. A transformation that affects all aspects of our life, including employment (the European Union estimates that, due to digitalization, for every two jobs lost, five ‘qualitatively very diff …

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A Brain-Friendly Brain in a World of AI

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 9 July 2020

A Brain-Friendly Brain in a World of AI

Technology is changing our world in an exponential way. And within technology, Artificial Intelligence is one of the fields that generates and has generated higher expectations. In fact, it is said that we are the last generation in history smarter than machines.

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Inequality Starts In Our Brains

by Silvia Damiano on 8 June 2020

Inequality Starts In Our Brains - About my Brain Institute

I am sad. Yes, I am. Seeing the disruption at all levels is sad for many people around the globe, particularly for those whose family or friends have been beaten up or have died. The more I witness what’s happening and observe how language alone can fuel extreme emotions, the more I b …

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Education To "Deworm" From Dignity, Freedom And Happiness

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 30 April 2020

Education to

I recently attended the presentation of Dr Kai-Fu Lee's new book, ‘The Superpowers of the Artificial Intelligence’ at the Palace of the Marquis of Salamanca (BBVA Foundation). Presented by Roger Domingo, our editor and good friend, a debate on AI took place between Kai-Fu Lee and Carl …

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The ROI of Brain-Friendly CEOs

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 30 April 2020

The ROI of Brain-Friendly CEOs

On the World Economic Forum website just over six months ago, executive coach Paolo Gallo and consultant Vlatka Hlupic referred to the leadership we need in the Globalisation 4.0 era. They also provided the fact that in the United States, CEOs earn on average 321 times what their work …

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Learning How to Lead Ourselves in a Pandemic

by Silvia Damiano on 31 March 2020

As I receive all kinds of newsletters with webinar offers and strategies of how to remain calm and work remotely during the COVID-19 Pandemic (thanks to everyone who is helping with their knowledge), I thought it would be a good idea to contribute by making our 2018 award-winning docu …

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Respect Is A Cornerstone Of Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 26 March 2020

Respect-Is-A-Cornerstone-Of-Leadership - About my Brain Institute

When you think of the word ‘respect’, what pops into your mind first? Do you think of being a child again, and showing respect to your elders? Or being kind and inviting someone to share their troubles? Or perhaps letting someone walk through a door you have opened? Respect may mean s …

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The Virus That Has Reset Capitalism

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 17 March 2020

Let's do a science fiction exercise. Imagine that we are at the 51st World Economic Forum in Davos, from Tuesday to Friday of the third week of January 2021. The previous year, January 21-24, 2020, the topic was Stakeholders Capitalism. It was about moving from maximizing shareholder …

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Davos 2020: Model And Measure Leadership To Build Trust

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 13 February 2020

Davos 2020: Model And Measure Leadership To Build Trust - About my Brain Institute

The Annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos from January 21 to 24 has been quite different to the one held in 2019. It has been much more inspiring and also a call to action. Search for Responsible Leadership for a Multidimensional Capitalism (which serves not only shareho …

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Your Imagination Is A Powerful Tool - Are You Using It Effectively?

by Silvia Damiano on 30 January 2020

Your Imagination Is A Powerful Tool - Are You Using It Effectively? - About my Brain Institute

Without imagination, the world is colourless and flat. It’s like a garden with no flowers or a room with no windows. Imagination allows us to see things which may not exist in reality, and imagination flavours the world around us. Even though scientists do not have an exact understand …

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If Your Staff Is Not Talking About Creativity, You Are Falling Behind

by Silvia Damiano on 9 January 2020

If Your Staff Is Not Talking About Creativity, You Are Falling Behind - About my Brain Institute

Creativity often gets lost when we focus on all the tasks we need to accomplish each day. In this rush to “do” things, we are losing out on so much, including imagination and creativity. Without fostering these abilities, how could we have soaring cathedrals and beautiful art? How cou …

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There Is No “i” In Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 19 December 2019

There Is No “i” In Leadership - About my Brain Institute

In healthy collaborative environments, ideas are flowing back and forth between team members, colleagues, and leadership. However, many times leaders will take the credit for these ideas and insights, which can seriously affect the atmosphere of an office. When leaders are greedy and …

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