Juan Carlos Cubeiro

Juan Carlos Cubeiro

President for Europe
About my Brain Institute

Juan Carlos is an economist, an international leadership and talent expert as well as a prolific writer, author of 51 books. He is also the Honorary President for the Spanish Coaching Association and President of the European Institute of Diversity for Spain. He has received many awards including the Human Leader and the LIDEREX Award for Leadership Excellence.

In addition, Cubeiro is member of the advisory council of Human Age Institute, the largest Spanish Talent initiative, promoted by ManpowerGroup and supported by over 1000 companies. For 33 years, he has headed strategic consulting projects in Leadership, Executive Coaching and Career Management for thousands of companies and is considered the Coach with the largest number of CEOs in Spain.

From Shanghai to Chicago, he is a well known International speaker, with lectures in Johannesburg, Paris, London, Brussels, Berlin, Rome or Tel Aviv as well as Buenos Aires, Cartagena de Indias, Santiago de Chile, Caracas, Quito, Guayaquil or Mexico City.

His books have focused on leadership and management, including some best-sellers translated to several languages such as ‘The Feeling of Fluidity’ (‘Sensación de Fluidez’), ‘The Guardiola Leadership’ (‘Liderazgo Guardiola’), ‘Why you do need a coach’ (‘Por qué necesitas un coach’), ‘Innovative Leadership for Dummies’ (‘Liderazgo Innovador para Dummies’) or ‘Zidane’s Leadership’ (‘Liderazgo Zidane’).

He is also a prolific writer of prologues and hundreds of articles for the main Spanish headlines. Among the many awards he has received are ‘The Humanist Leader Award’ and ‘Leader of Excellence’ (Bogotá, Colombia).

Posts by Juan Carlos Cubeiro

The i4 Neuroleader Model and the CIES Islands

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 9 July 2020

The i4 Neuroleader Model and the CIES Islands - About my Brain Institute

We are in times of Digital Leadership because automation and new technologies are here to stay. A transformation that affects all aspects of our life, including employment (the European Union estimates that, due to digitalization, for every two jobs lost, five ‘qualitatively very diff …

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A Brain-Friendly Brain in a World of AI

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 9 July 2020

A Brain-Friendly Brain in a World of AI

Technology is changing our world in an exponential way. And within technology, Artificial Intelligence is one of the fields that generates and has generated higher expectations. In fact, it is said that we are the last generation in history smarter than machines.

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Education To "Deworm" From Dignity, Freedom And Happiness

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 30 April 2020

Education to

I recently attended the presentation of Dr Kai-Fu Lee's new book, ‘The Superpowers of the Artificial Intelligence’ at the Palace of the Marquis of Salamanca (BBVA Foundation). Presented by Roger Domingo, our editor and good friend, a debate on AI took place between Kai-Fu Lee and Carl …

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The ROI of Brain-Friendly CEOs

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 30 April 2020

The ROI of Brain-Friendly CEOs

On the World Economic Forum website just over six months ago, executive coach Paolo Gallo and consultant Vlatka Hlupic referred to the leadership we need in the Globalisation 4.0 era. They also provided the fact that in the United States, CEOs earn on average 321 times what their work …

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The Virus That Has Reset Capitalism

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 17 March 2020

Let's do a science fiction exercise. Imagine that we are at the 51st World Economic Forum in Davos, from Tuesday to Friday of the third week of January 2021. The previous year, January 21-24, 2020, the topic was Stakeholders Capitalism. It was about moving from maximizing shareholder …

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Davos 2020: Model And Measure Leadership To Build Trust

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 13 February 2020

Davos 2020: Model And Measure Leadership To Build Trust - About my Brain Institute

The Annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos from January 21 to 24 has been quite different to the one held in 2019. It has been much more inspiring and also a call to action. Search for Responsible Leadership for a Multidimensional Capitalism (which serves not only shareho …

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A Leadership Model According To Neuroscience

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 5 May 2015

thumb-A-Leadership-Model-According-To Neuroscience

In the former Convent of Boadilla - Spain, we have been working with Silvia Damiano’s i4 Model, on Leadership and Team Development.

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Being Vulnerable Connects Us

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 4 May 2015


Today and tomorrow we are at the Old Convent of Boadilla outside Madrid, in a Team Coaching Session for our Senior Management Team led by Silvia Damiano.

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Leadership As A Solution To The Complexity Of Our Times

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 15 September 2014

Leadership As A Solution To The Complexity Of Our Times - VUCA world

To better understand how leadership has evolved through the contributions of experts, we can use the metaphor of the captain of a ship. The captain needs to steer the ship towards the port he wants to go (Visionary Leadership); to adapt what he does based on the type of ship and crew …

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Your Money And Your Brain

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 31 March 2014


I have been reading Your Money and Your Brain. Why we make bad decisions and how to avoid it according to neuroeconomics, by Pedro Bermejo (neurologist, doctor in neuroscience, and master in behavioral biology) and Ricardo Izquierdo (consultant, master in computer security).

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Total Loyalty

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 2 December 2013

I've been reading Total Loyalty, How LADY GAGA turns her followers into fans, and what lessons can be drawn from this by Jackie Huba. According to the author, one of the most striking artists of the twenty first century - gives us seven lessons for our Professional Brand.

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