Feedback For Leaders is More Important Than You Think

by Silvia Damiano on 27 February 2018

Feedback-For-Leaders-is-More-Important-Than-You-Think- About my Brain Institute

Many leaders feel that they are doing a great job. The problem is, their employees don’t always have the opportunity to give honest feedback. If leaders are already confident they are doing a good job, how can they continually improve?

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Watch Out, Shakespeare! It's the Taming of the Neurofeedback Device

by Silvia Damiano on 20 February 2018

Watch-Out,-Shakespeare!-Its-the-Taming-of-the-Neurofeedback-Device - About my Brain Institute

When many people hear the phrase ‘neurofeedback device,’ they are likely left scratching their heads. Advancing technology has unlocked new tools that can be used to monitor brain activity—without a sophisticated laboratory setup. These devices can offer real-time data on what’s reall …

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Are You The Calm One, Or Did You Just Panic?

by Silvia Damiano on 8 February 2018

Are-You-The-Calm-One,-Or-Did-You-Just-Panic - About my Brain Institute

Certain situations seem to bring out the best (or worst) in people. Some people can handle emergencies with a relaxed, calm attitude, and others tend to run around screaming that the sky is falling. Leaders can’t afford to have the panic-button way of thinking, but what can be done ab …

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Put Your Phone And Excuses Aside, Practise Yoga Instead

by Silvia Damiano on 16 January 2018

Put-Your-Phone-And-Excuses-Aside,-Practise-Yoga-Instead - About my Brain Institute

Billions of people around the world study yoga. Yoga has positive effects on stress, the body, and a person’s mental state. It’s time for skeptics to take a look at the real science and consider the benefits of yoga in their lives.

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Coaching Is Dead. Long Live Neurocoaching!

by Silvia Damiano on 7 November 2017

Coaching Is Dead. Long Live Neurocoaching!

Is it realistic to expect an Olympic athlete to excel without a great coach? Why is it realistic, then, to expect people and teams to be high-performing without a coach? Many businesses are looking to automation to increase profit, but the reality is that A.I. cannot readily replace t …

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STOP! Are You Drowning In The Digital World?

by Silvia Damiano on 31 October 2017


So many people today are engrossed in their digital devices. Everyone has their own particular brand of poison, but there’s always something in common. Too much time is spent looking down at a phone or tablet and not enough time is spent reflecting or meditating. It’s time for a brain …

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Dance Your Way Into A Healthy Body And Mind

by Silvia Damiano on 3 August 2017

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Have you ever heard of popular dance programs like Jazzercise or Zumba? These types of programs focus on exercising to music with choreographed, repetitive steps. If you've never laced up your sneakers and hopped in (and men are welcome, too), you're missing out on a great way to see …

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You Can't Just Talk The Talk Of Ethics

by Silvia Damiano on 25 July 2017

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In today's fast-paced, often cut-throat business environment, ethics is, maybe, not the first thing that comes to mind. If you turn on the news, you see examples of people in power abusing that power, and countless others suffering because of it

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Integration Means Syncing Your Body And Mind For Success

by Silvia Damiano on 1 June 2017


Only 33% of people in business surveyed by the About my Brain Institute reported taking the time to relax and completely disconnect. Think about this: if only 1 in 3 workers are allowing their bodies and minds time to reset and rest, what's going on with the other 67%? You need to all …

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One Walk A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

by Silvia Damiano on 4 May 2017


Everyone has heard the expression, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what about a walk a day? There are immediate health benefits for a short walk, such as relaxation and stress relief. Research shows that physical activity can also help prevent and manage chronic diseases.

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Integration – Joined Up Thinking For Body And Mind

by Mark Hodgson on 27 April 2017


As leaders when we pay little attention to developing all parts of our minds and body, we can loose out on the amazing benefits that an integrated human system can provide.

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Taking A Re-charge Weekend is Good For You: 7 Ideas to Explore

by Relmi Damiano on 23 January 2017


If you use Facebook or even browse the Internet regularly, you've probably seen the meme showing a cabin in the woods.

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